I've discovered the secret to decorating with toddlers...

You haftah keep everything on a level that is unimaginable for them. So I have a beautifully festive top to the kitchen..complete with lights and signs and flowers and garland. I'm actually quite proud of myself considering half of my decorations haven't come out because the firstborn hasn't proven she's trustworthy. We've suffered a few casualties...one santa that had the string broke and a present that was unwrapped in .3 of a second. So nothing terrible or completely bad. Matt and I decorated the tree while the miracle of both of them napping at the same time was occurring. Was a nice surprise for her when she woke up, Grady didn't really care.

We also took in a few Christmas parties last weekend. The first was the GRE party, which I wish we could have spent more time at. They celebrated at the Heritage Center and not only could you go through the exhibits but they had Santa, activities, dinner, and presents for the kids. Eleanor was so cute as she ran up to my mom when she got there and was still running when Matt and I left for my Commerce Christmas party at the bowling alley. Mom and Alaina took the kids home when they were done, gave them a bath, and put them to bed.

We also did another Christmas tradition... we went to visit Santa at the Mall! Last year she did so well... all smiles and happy, this year we were a bit more on the fence. Grady did great, couldn't have cared less. Eleanor didn't cry but she wasn't too sure about the whole thing. We also picked out their ornaments or I should say, gave them the choice from my and Matt's selections. Eleanor chose Matt's pick this year and Grady chose the one that both Matt and I liked.

To continue with traditions, we did our movie night tradition. This is where we get together with Mom, Dad, and Alaina and the boys go to a movie at the theater and the girls stay home and watch a Christmas movie. In the past, I've had the tradition of taking my Grandma Dar out for a show and dinner, but it has gotten very difficult so I was happy she felt she could take part of the activity at our house. So we had pizza and appetizers, sent the guys out, put both kids to bed and watched Christmas in Connecticut.

The last tradition that we did for the week is one of my favorites... Light Night. We first have Nachos Navidad at Taco John's and then go out and look at people's Christmas lights. We have two favorites that we make sure we hit with the littles...Chmielewski's Christmas Corner and Chestnut Lane light show. We also did a drive by the capitol. It's a simple night but something that I look forward to and am excited to share with the kids as they get older.
Best meal: Taco John's supper... silly but special to me... even though Grady sat on the table and snored.
"Elves": Okay, you can go talk to Santa while we get our camera ready.
MJR: Eleanor, let's go talk to Santa
EER invokes deathgrab onto Matt's shirt
ALR puts Grady into Santa's lap: See, Grady likes Santa
EER stares at man in red suit with beard.
ALR: I think we might have a crier.
Santa: It's okay, wouldn't be the first one today.
ALR: Do you get 4 or 5 a day?
Santa laughs: Way more than that.
MJR: Eleanor, do you see the lights?
EER in awe and silence.
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