Another year is coming to a close... it's been a busy year for us... I look at how Eleanor has grown, I look at how our family has grown,
There were some questions I asked myself last year in my New Year post...I forced myself to go back to those questions...
Whatif we leave Bismarck?
We haven't... we are both enjoying our jobs and are settling into our house.
Whatif we are blessed with another child?
Truth be known, I knew the answer to this question when I asked it as I found out the previous week that I was pregnant. Grady has been a beautiful addition to our house and when I looked at the stockings on the mantel this past Christmas season it continued to hit me that I have a family of four. He's my sweet gentle soul that compliments my hurricane sassafras!
Whatif we have to say goodbye to someone we love?
We have been blessed that we haven't had any funerals or tragic goodbyes this past year.
Whatif we still have Eric living in our basement?
Eric moved out in January after finding an apartment in the middle of town.
Whatif we get a different car?
We did get a different car.. with having another baby we knew there was no way we could fit 2 car seats in the Mazda... that forced us to get a Tahoe.
Whatif we get to go on a wonderful trip - where will it be? Texas? Kansas City? California? Boston?
Trips... ha... Matt and I dream about our old lifestyle but we took 2 trips as a family... 1. to Sioux Falls/Dutch Country, Iowa and 2. Grand Forks.
Whatif the Cubs win another World Series?
Sadly... they did not.
Whatif Matt lets me get another cat?
No additional pets added to the mix... some days even Lola is too much!
Whatif we finally have a family party/picnic at our house?
We couldn't even get our crap together to have a party at our house.
Maybe I have questions for the coming year... sometimes it's even hard to imagine the possibilities of what could happen so I don't even know what questions to wonder on. 2017 seemed to be a hard year for a lot of people, but for us it was a beautiful year filled with Eleanor laughters and the beginnings of Grady smiles. Time is a tricky business... it never seems to happen at the pace you'd like it to... too fast, too slow... I think I'm okay with the ticking away of the seconds, minutes, and hours. But what I'd like to hold on a bit tighter to is the memories and moments. I want to remember the feelings and soak them up, already Baby Eleanor feels a million years ago and I just want to remember those moments a little clearer.
I think 2018 is going to be a blur. Eleanor will continue to talk, Grady will learn to walk...and Matt and I will just try to keep up.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
The one with the Third Christmas celebration (at the farm)

After gifts, it was Eleanor's turn to sleep and we had an amazing lunch. Seasoned prime rib, king crab, cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, and was so good! Was the type of meal you could eat over and over again and never get sick of... plus plum pudding and pumpkin pie for dessert.
Eleanor got to spend the night at the farm and Matt, Grady, and I headed back in. Matt and I had our "State of the Union" brunch the next morning at the Starving Rooster. This is to air our grievances as well as put our best foot forward in planning for 2018 as a couple. We've talked about doing this but with the kids and getting busy in life, we decided to make it a priority.
MJR: It was a good day.
ALR: Yes, it was.. What was your favorite part of the day?
MJR: Probably watching her hand out presents.
ALR laughs: Yes, that was a highlight for sure for me... she's really growing up.
Speaking of growing up... someone turned 4 mos old during the holidays....
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
The one with the first two Christmas celebrations

Eleanor's presents came next... we got her her own little chair and her own little kitchen! Matt had put it together a couple days before, only took 2.5 hours. Her seeing the big wrapped present made me smile - she was so excited!
Later that afternoon, Grandma and Grandpa came for Christmas Eve. We enjoyed appetizers and they helped us get ready for Santa.

ALR gives EER 1/2 a cookie.
EER eats cookie and pinches fingers together: More! More!
ALR: No, you just had a sample to see if they are good enough for Santa - Do you think they are good enough for Santa?
EER: nah uh.

MJR going through his stocking stuffers: Mom, where did you get some of these things, I've never heard of them or seen them?
Randy: Matt, it's "Must have Monday".. you wouldn't believe all the crap we get during MustHave Monday.
Michele smiles!
ALR: I think it's fun, where is this Must have Monday at?
The next couple days were harder, we didn't have daycare so Matt and I took turns with both kids.
I had the first, Matt had the second.
After a hectic morning, which started at 5:00am, Matt comes home from work at 4:45pm.
MJR: How was the afternoon?
ALR thinks back to the afternoon, EER went down at 1:00, GRR went down at 2:00, ALR went down at 2:30. ALR woke up at 3:45, GRR woke up at 4:00, EER woke up at 4:30.
ALR: It wasn't bad.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
The one with the Christmas wish list
Fleece jammies - size 6 months, 9 months
Kiddie Splash Pad for summer
Day, Week, Month of Daycare
Swimsuit with rashguard shirt, size 12 months
Piggy Bank
Family membership to Dakota Zoo
Magnetic Block Building Set
Melissa and Doug's Let's Play House Dust! Sweep! Mop! 6 piece set
Melissa and Doug Kitchen Accessories - Pots and Pans
2T Long Sleeve things
Stuff for her baby doll - high chair, bath tub (no clothes please)
big cushy floor pillows to sit on and read books or whatnot
Book: The Danish Way of Parenting
Caribou Coffee gift cards
Hobby Lobby gift cards to matte Grady's grow pics
Snapfish or Shutterfly giftcards (for printing pics)
trip to Key West
Columbia Activeware pants, black, 12 L
King size sheets
Tieks - size 9
Birkenstocks - size 9
HomeChef, Blue Apron, Hello Fresh subscriptions
Spotting Scope
Menards gift cards for lawn things
Lowes gift cards for landscaping project
Goose and Duck decoys
3Hybrid wedge
Golf Digest Subscription
A pot of gold
Trip to Phoenix
Lanksky Knife Sharpening Kit
Garage wifi kit
Size 13 Muck/Water boots
Fleece jammies - size 6 months, 9 months
Kiddie Splash Pad for summer
Day, Week, Month of Daycare
Swimsuit with rashguard shirt, size 12 months
Piggy Bank
Family membership to Dakota Zoo
Magnetic Block Building Set
Melissa and Doug's Let's Play House Dust! Sweep! Mop! 6 piece set
Melissa and Doug Kitchen Accessories - Pots and Pans
2T Long Sleeve things
Stuff for her baby doll - high chair, bath tub (no clothes please)
big cushy floor pillows to sit on and read books or whatnot
Book: The Danish Way of Parenting
Caribou Coffee gift cards
Hobby Lobby gift cards to matte Grady's grow pics
Snapfish or Shutterfly giftcards (for printing pics)
trip to Key West
Columbia Activeware pants, black, 12 L
King size sheets
Tieks - size 9
Birkenstocks - size 9
HomeChef, Blue Apron, Hello Fresh subscriptions
Spotting Scope
Menards gift cards for lawn things
Lowes gift cards for landscaping project
Goose and Duck decoys
3Hybrid wedge
Golf Digest Subscription
A pot of gold
Trip to Phoenix
Lanksky Knife Sharpening Kit
Garage wifi kit
Size 13 Muck/Water boots
Monday, December 25, 2017
The one with the Christmas Card
Happy Holidays from the Remynse Family!
I'll admit it's awful weird thinking that just two years and two Christmas cards ago it was just Matt and I and now there's the four of us! We are busy and blessed and each day I marvel at my little family.
Here's a recap of where we are at for the 2017 year...
He's been very busy at work. He's been involved with the runway project and the late nights that come with it, he was involved in the legislative session this past year being the Airport Assoc of ND's president, he did so many trainings I lost track of who and what and how many, and also been a part of the plannings that have been ongoing. He also helped with Trump flying in. He's still loving it at BIS and we've never regretted the move.
Outside of work, he's been working on his hobbies when time permits. He got a few rounds of golf in this year including a new course at Washburn. He's really worked on his short game this year, in the backyard, with his favorite girl. They'd go out the two of them most nights this summer and chip around... sometimes she'd chip with him, sometimes she'd caddy, and sometimes she didn't care two hoots. In regards to his other past times, he was forced to cut back on his hunting this year but did manage to get out pheasant hunting and goosing; and he spent a lot of time pruning his yard in an attempt to get it where he'd like.
His highlights of the year (outside of the family) were going to Grand Forks for the regional conference and winning the golfing tournament. He also enjoyed his time home during deer season.
Out spirited redhead (who is becoming a strawberry blond) had a busy year... she went from crawling to cruising to walking to running. She's beginning to talk and her words like Baby, Apple, Hi, and Moo are very distinct. She's had some changes at daycare this year including a new building and two room changes. She's now in the toddler room, which has been the biggest change. In her old room, she was really a mother hen... putting blankets on the babies, patting backs, and checking diapers. She's as equally "helpful" at home. Matt and I are constantly rechecking the blanket she insists on putting on Grady, so it doesn't cover his face.
Her highlights of this year, if she could answer, may be swimming in the pool with Dad in Fargo during mom's work or wandering around the butterfly house in Sioux Falls or carving a pumpkin with Dad for Halloween.
He's really our sweet smiley boy. He doesn't get too worked up and is quick to give you a grin. It's amazing how different he and his hurricane sister are. He's currently coming to work with me on a daily basis and will for sure until the new year. This year was spent waiting for him longer than he's enjoyed it but he is a beautiful piece of our lives. I'll admit I'm loving his cuddles and am anxiously waiting to see what type of person he's going to become.
His highlight of the year would probably be being born!

To recap my year, I was blessed to be pregnant for the second year in a row - I'll admit I may not be the happiest pregnant woman but the end result is worth it. I am still at Commerce and enjoying it as I've settled into somewhat of a routine - it's a great environment with an emphasis on work-life balance, the fact that both of my kids have spent significant time there with me says something. I've also spent quite a bit of time working on the house this major projects besides sorting and organizing. I feel like I was always swapping out clothes, replenishing diapers, organizing toys, moving rooms, and so on. I guess I'm working on finding my new norm.
My highlights (aside from the obvious) would be the trip to Sioux Falls/Dutch Country and being recognized by the Governor and his staff for my work with the Workforce and HR Conference. I also was so happy to see photos of the kids go up on the wall... that's been a project I've been working on and playing with all year. For those that know me know how much I value our kid's photo sessions and love having them on my wall so to see that "finalize" out makes me smile.
We lost count of how many mice, voles, birds, and dragonflies Lola caught and brought back to the house as presents. We also have to go find all the collars that she managed to lose too.
We have a beautiful life in so many ways... 2 children, 1 happy home, 2 great jobs, and too much love to count. From our home to yours...may you have blessings that fill your head and heart.
The Remynses
I'll admit it's awful weird thinking that just two years and two Christmas cards ago it was just Matt and I and now there's the four of us! We are busy and blessed and each day I marvel at my little family.
Here's a recap of where we are at for the 2017 year...

Outside of work, he's been working on his hobbies when time permits. He got a few rounds of golf in this year including a new course at Washburn. He's really worked on his short game this year, in the backyard, with his favorite girl. They'd go out the two of them most nights this summer and chip around... sometimes she'd chip with him, sometimes she'd caddy, and sometimes she didn't care two hoots. In regards to his other past times, he was forced to cut back on his hunting this year but did manage to get out pheasant hunting and goosing; and he spent a lot of time pruning his yard in an attempt to get it where he'd like.
His highlights of the year (outside of the family) were going to Grand Forks for the regional conference and winning the golfing tournament. He also enjoyed his time home during deer season.
Her highlights of this year, if she could answer, may be swimming in the pool with Dad in Fargo during mom's work or wandering around the butterfly house in Sioux Falls or carving a pumpkin with Dad for Halloween.
He's really our sweet smiley boy. He doesn't get too worked up and is quick to give you a grin. It's amazing how different he and his hurricane sister are. He's currently coming to work with me on a daily basis and will for sure until the new year. This year was spent waiting for him longer than he's enjoyed it but he is a beautiful piece of our lives. I'll admit I'm loving his cuddles and am anxiously waiting to see what type of person he's going to become.
His highlight of the year would probably be being born!

We lost count of how many mice, voles, birds, and dragonflies Lola caught and brought back to the house as presents. We also have to go find all the collars that she managed to lose too.
We have a beautiful life in so many ways... 2 children, 1 happy home, 2 great jobs, and too much love to count. From our home to yours...may you have blessings that fill your head and heart.
The Remynses
Monday, December 18, 2017
The one with the Christmas Traditions
I've discovered the secret to decorating with toddlers...

You haftah keep everything on a level that is unimaginable for them. So I have a beautifully festive top to the kitchen..complete with lights and signs and flowers and garland. I'm actually quite proud of myself considering half of my decorations haven't come out because the firstborn hasn't proven she's trustworthy. We've suffered a few santa that had the string broke and a present that was unwrapped in .3 of a second. So nothing terrible or completely bad. Matt and I decorated the tree while the miracle of both of them napping at the same time was occurring. Was a nice surprise for her when she woke up, Grady didn't really care.

We also took in a few Christmas parties last weekend. The first was the GRE party, which I wish we could have spent more time at. They celebrated at the Heritage Center and not only could you go through the exhibits but they had Santa, activities, dinner, and presents for the kids. Eleanor was so cute as she ran up to my mom when she got there and was still running when Matt and I left for my Commerce Christmas party at the bowling alley. Mom and Alaina took the kids home when they were done, gave them a bath, and put them to bed.

We also did another Christmas tradition... we went to visit Santa at the Mall! Last year she did so well... all smiles and happy, this year we were a bit more on the fence. Grady did great, couldn't have cared less. Eleanor didn't cry but she wasn't too sure about the whole thing. We also picked out their ornaments or I should say, gave them the choice from my and Matt's selections. Eleanor chose Matt's pick this year and Grady chose the one that both Matt and I liked.

To continue with traditions, we did our movie night tradition. This is where we get together with Mom, Dad, and Alaina and the boys go to a movie at the theater and the girls stay home and watch a Christmas movie. In the past, I've had the tradition of taking my Grandma Dar out for a show and dinner, but it has gotten very difficult so I was happy she felt she could take part of the activity at our house. So we had pizza and appetizers, sent the guys out, put both kids to bed and watched Christmas in Connecticut.

The last tradition that we did for the week is one of my favorites... Light Night. We first have Nachos Navidad at Taco John's and then go out and look at people's Christmas lights. We have two favorites that we make sure we hit with the littles...Chmielewski's Christmas Corner and Chestnut Lane light show. We also did a drive by the capitol. It's a simple night but something that I look forward to and am excited to share with the kids as they get older.
Best meal: Taco John's supper... silly but special to me... even though Grady sat on the table and snored.
"Elves": Okay, you can go talk to Santa while we get our camera ready.
MJR: Eleanor, let's go talk to Santa
EER invokes deathgrab onto Matt's shirt
ALR puts Grady into Santa's lap: See, Grady likes Santa
EER stares at man in red suit with beard.
ALR: I think we might have a crier.
Santa: It's okay, wouldn't be the first one today.
ALR: Do you get 4 or 5 a day?
Santa laughs: Way more than that.
MJR: Eleanor, do you see the lights?
EER in awe and silence.

Best meal: Taco John's supper... silly but special to me... even though Grady sat on the table and snored.
"Elves": Okay, you can go talk to Santa while we get our camera ready.
MJR: Eleanor, let's go talk to Santa
EER invokes deathgrab onto Matt's shirt
ALR puts Grady into Santa's lap: See, Grady likes Santa
EER stares at man in red suit with beard.
ALR: I think we might have a crier.
Santa: It's okay, wouldn't be the first one today.
ALR: Do you get 4 or 5 a day?
Santa laughs: Way more than that.
MJR: Eleanor, do you see the lights?
EER in awe and silence.
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