
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

COVID, Mudpies

It's been a hard year, I won't lie. A really hard year. I've been working 11 hour days. Current schedule - I get up when Matt does, get the kids ready for the day, see them off, shower and dress.

My favorite part of my day is my morning routine rhythm. It feels good to have something down. I heat a pan, drop a piece of toast, begin to boil the water, crack my egg, S&P a little. From there I grab the instant coffee dump a bit into my cup. Pour a teensy bit of water into the lid of my pan to steam my egg. Grab a slice of cheese from the fridge to put on on the popped toast, pour the boils into my cup - stir, add creamer and finalize with a runny egg on the cheese toast. If I'm on it all is timed perfect and runs smooth. Two things have changed since the pandemic in regards to purchasing habits. I buy/drink instant coffee - it's easier and I'm really more about the creamer - let's be real. We also buy eggs 7.5 dozen at a time. The pandemic exposed the shortage and when I actually did the math it only makes sense to buy that way. We go through a dozen easy on the weekend and that's if we don't do anything too special.

After breakfast, I have my staff teams call which lasts for an hour. I work through my lunch, I work until 5:00 - make dinner and try to be normal for the kids until they go to bed at 8:00 before I start working again until 10 ish. I have a slight eye twitch. We are having online events where 2200 people have registered. We are pumping so much stuff out. It's a whole new world. There doesn't appear to be a rhyme or reason for things and I'm just trying to keep up.

The biggest concern I have is that the kids have some sort of normalcy. There's been daycare restrictions set which has bumped E's class into groups and this has also required her to move into a different physical location - to which she refers to as the toddler room. It hasn't been a great transition there. They are still going to daycare so at least they have that - I wouldn't be able to work well if they didn't. We are making sack lunches regularly as food supplies for the daycare have been stretched. Hand sanitizer and toilet paper are still hot commodities. I was able to snag some papertowels from Sam's and thought I was living high on the hog.

Meanwhile Matt is pissy that he hasn't been to Sam's Club since February as I've been making grocery runs alone to lessen contamination. We haven't been doing any shopping - food, necessities, or retail. Right now I won't lie, stores give me such anxiety. I know we'll need to go soon to buy some potting supplies and flowers/garden plants.

This past weekend, Matt and I took part in a mass testing. We actually were hoping it was the antibody test but before we realized that it wasn't we were already in the line. We mazed through the parking lot of the event center, came in through the exhibitor entrance, and then drove through Halls  D, coming out Hall A. The kids were in shock and I believe E even elicited an "woah."

The other fun that we did was had the kids make mudpies. Matt hated it. Absolutley hated it. One of my favorite memories growing up was making them with Heather and Jaden in Heather's outdoor kitchen. I always wanted to provide that for the kids. So I asked Wes to drop off tables, I found frisbees and containers. E has been making sandcakes since we opened the sandbox up so I thought it would be a great idea. They made more mud soups - way too watery in their first batches. The end result was a lot of mud clothes and also an altercation between the bigs with a bath for the boy. Matt informed me that mud pie making must be put on hold for a bit.

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