First week of November - the weather has straightened out a bit, the snow has been melted and not returned back for the most part. Matt and I both had business trips the first week. I went to Williston, Matt went to Aberdeen. I'm not sure who had the worst location. We had a CEO roundtable event and I was fortunate enough to call in a friend favor and have Kim, Ainsley's godmother/Matt's mentor, come to speak. The thing that could have made it better was to spend more time visiting and catching up. We don't get to see each other enough so it always feels rushed when we do get a bit of time.

When we got home, we had a bit of a rough time, Ainsley had her first ear infection as well as her second. She also had a touch of RSV - poor button. She had been sleeping wonderfully through the night but since September hit, we rarely have a night where we are only up once, let alone sleep through it. Due to her being sick, we changed our weekend plans. We had talked about going up to Lansford to "celebrate" opening deer with Matt's uncles. I stayed home with Ains and Matt took E and G up there for the day. They had a good time.

I was glad Matt made it home that night as we got snow overnight. The olders went out and shoveled while Ains and I supervised from inside.

E has been so busy lately. She's learning her letter, does a pretty good job counting, and her coloring has been so pointed. She has been gravitating toward arts and creativity lately and I love to support that. She drew a pic of the family this past week and it made me smile. Her
swimming lessons are going well, there has been some bribery with skittles lately so she listens to her teacher BUT she loves to go and it also gives us a chance to talk just her and I on the way there.
G is coming into his own too...he's become my social butterfly. He says good bye to his friends when we leave daycare, he's quick to talk about them, he's likes to play and follow Eleanor, and his new thing is to cheer Ainsy on. His words are coming along and we can catch 80% of things. His sentences and phrases are further and he's understands the power he has with his words. He's recently taken up with his "baby" it's an elf that he got last Christmas but this baby is his favorite at night. We go to bed with baby, get upset if baby gets lost in the night AND in the morning, we tuck baby in so baby is nice and cozy until we go to bed again.
EER: Momma, I went to Grandma's house. Do you know I have two grandmas?
ALR: I do know that. You also have two great-grandmas, Great Grandma Dar and Great Grandma Elaine.
EER: Yeah, how many grandmas do you have?
ALR: I have two - my grandmas are Grandma Dar and Grandma Elaine.
EER: And Dad has two too?
ALR: No, Dad doesn't have any grandmas.
EER: No, he has Grandma Dar and Grandma Elaine.
ALR: Well, those are mom's but I bet they would both claim him.
EER: I have two grandpas too.
MJR: I'm not sure you got to comprehension level on that one.
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