It was a big week for Matt. After 6 years of waiting, he finally got to go Mule deer hunting trip in the badlands. He's been pumped about this week and I've dreaded it because while we went off frolicking in the hills, I stayed home and battled guerilla warfare with the kids. I ended up with some support. Grady ended up getting sick and due to me having to go to an event out of town, we had Grandma Michele come. She stayed through the weekend and not only helped me out but ended up helping Matt out when he brought his deer home.

He and his bestie, Brendan went out, something they'd been planning for some time. It took almost three days and practically 59 miles according to the pain in Matt's calves but was pretty happy with what he came back with. When he brought it home E and G were curious but E wasn't interested in all "dat red stuff"/blood from the inside.

The kids are starting to full into a bit of a rhythm at home and with Ains crawling everywhere they're not nearly as impressed with her getting in their stuff. She makes me smile. Her thing right now is to crawl up to the container of blocks, pick one out and then proceed to drag it around for the next hour or two.

Grady is interested in blippi, backpacks, and glasses. He is still very much all about his "baby." We tuck baby in each morning, otherwise, he's insistent that baby goes with to daycare and my worst nightmare is a meltdown at night on baby being left behind at daycare.

Eleanor has been going into "teacher" mode lately. Will read to her animals and instruct and boss them. A natural leader that one. If the shyness in new groups doesn't get her, she'll be fine. She had her last swimming lesson today and I was pleasantly surprised that she passed level 1. I believe all but 1 of the class were taking the class for the 2nd or 3rd time so I was expectant that she take it again.
EER in the bathtub, ALR: Let's get you washed up.
EER rolls over and pops her behind in the air above the water: I'm shaking my booty!
ALR: What did you say?
EER: I'm shaking my booty.
proceeds to bump up and down. ALR laughs.
After bath is dancing around her bedroom in a towel.
MJR: Eleanor, get your jammies.
EER toddler twerks a bit: I'm shaking my booty!
EER: My booty!
MJR looks at ALR: Did you teach her that?
ALR: Um, no. How often have you seen me shake my booty?
MJR: Not in the past 6 years.
ALR: AND when I did, did I brag about it?
MJR: Hm, no.
ALR: I would say that was a little gift from daycare.
MJR: What do we do?
ALR: nothing! She thinks she's funny.
EER continues booty shaking.
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