It was Halloween week! As the kids are getting older they are getting the concept and it makes me laugh. Don't get me wrong, when we went trick-or-treating, they are probably more excited about ringing the doorbell AND whose turn it was to ring the doorbell.

They got to wear their Halloween shirts to daycare and then in the afternoon, they put on costumes and we did some trick-or-treating. We hit up my office before heading to Commerce, then Grandma's, Uncle Eric's, and then hitting up the neighborhood before heading home to trick-or-treat Grandma and Grandpa at our house.

E was a dinosaur, Grady was a fox, and Ainsley was a penguin.
The little penguin didn't do door to door, she was pooped and ended up taking a bit of a snoozer. She's officially 8 months old too - it's hard to believe it. We still haven't even doubled our weight yet - or hit 15 pounds.

We also started working on Christmas stuff - I know it's pretty far out but I figure the extra time doesn't hurt me at all. I'm hoping I'm not totally crazy this year.
MJR: Where did all the monkeys go?
GRR: Hiding
MJR: What do you mean hiding?
GRR: Hiding
MJR: Where
GRR points down air vent.
MJR proceeds to look for monkeys
ALR: what's going on here?
GRR: Monkeys hiding
MJR gives a rundown.
ALR holds vent while MJR shines light down duct: I just don't think a monkey could fit down there
MJR: Well, yes, that way they couldn't but if you took the vent out, they'll quite easily.
ALR: Seriously?
GRR: Monkeys hiding.
ALR: thanks grady
Monkey update: We are only down 1 monkey.... 2 were found, not in the vent.
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