The rest of the weekend was pretty laid back. We did some family things including walks and even a trip to Fort Lincoln blockhouses. That was a bit of a chitshow as halfway through the walk Ainsley got hungry and cried and E decided that she needed to go to the potty, making G want to sit on the potty chair too - the one in the back of the tahoe. After having some "listening' hiccups - we decided to go home. It was a good thing we had low expectations of the trip!

EER: I have teeth.
ALR: Yes, you do.
EER: And Grady and Dad.
ALR: Yes, Mom too.
EER: And Ainsley.
ALR: No, Ainsley doesn't have teeth.
EER: Yes, her does.
ALR: No, Ainsley is a baby, she doesn't have them yet.
EER: She told me she does.
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