A brief about the kids -
E is all about the wiggly worms - she will put a bunch in her hand, if she can find them, and wander around with them. I think the most I've counted is 7. She's taken the role of Mama Hen around the place. Will boss both her brother and sister and there's a lot of hand on the hip discussions.
G's vocab has really picked up. He's pointing at things and we can understand what he's starting to say or understand the pattern. The saddest thing is at night, when he's woke himself up from a night terror and you walk in to comfort him, he'll call out "drink!" "water!" "drink!" He usually will settle himself again but it's usually once or twice a night he'll wake up crying.

We are starting to see the garden grow a bit. We've got a mess with volunteer cucumbers and weeds and the kids are bit hard on things that are willing to take off but Matt got his first harvest of radishes for the season, actually in ever.

On Saturday, the girls and I stayed home and
Matt and Grady went out on the boat. This was Grady's first time really getting to go out and do something with Dad alone. Matt said he was pretty good - reorganized his tackle box for him, knotted up the anchor, and went fishing/casted his sister's birthday fishing pole right into the lake. (They bought a new one before returning home.)
That night, we took a walk to the gas station for popsicles. It's been warm and humid so I thought the treat would be something new and fun. Popsicles melt. Grady is the worst about staying to task with his popsicle. Eleanor will do pretty well with some slight drippage but at one time I looked over and it appeared that Grady had given up eating his popsicle and was in full acknowledgement of just playing in it. They had a good time and we hosed them and the wagon off when we got home.
On Sunday, we decided to take the paddle boat out. We decided to do it bright and early in the morning. It took us a FULL hour and a half to get ready. It was agony. It's one thing to get the boat out from under the deck and quickly hose it off but another to herd the cats into the house, put on their swimsuits, put on sunscreen, find their hats, find their sunglasses because Heaven-forbid that Mom and Dad have sunglasses and they don't, rechange their diaper because they pooped, find their shoes - BOTH the left AND the right, argue with them about the shoes that we found, get them into their life jackets, get them waters for the boat ride - because if one has their water the other one HAS to have theirs, and then get the damn boat into the water. We also ended up putting the canopy on the boat three times but who's counting.
EER: I'm bleeding! I need a bandaid
MJR: Okay. Let's go get you a bandaid
MJR: Okay, I'm going to put on a bandaid, what are you going to do once I put it on?
EER: Take it off!
MJR: No! You leave it, don't pick it.
EER: Oh, right.
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