Here's the breakdown of the week: Matt was in Nashville and I relied on Mom to save my sanity.

Matt left Sunday afternoon. I'll admit the week went along better than I thought and the times I was alone with all three went better than I expected. Mom helped out two of the mornings and two of the evenings - was nice to have some relief. We even helped her pick out flowers one night!

The kicker was it was my first week back fulltime - we need to get better at meal planning and not having meltdowns if we aren't eating at 5:30. Eleanor had her first dental appointment - it went much better than I thought. I'd been prepping her all week with Peppa's dental trip and there was very little squabbling. She did get to come to my work before hand and get her "work" done. Translation to using the date stamper and spreading my business cards throughout the office. To kick off the weekend, we had cones in the park before playing. The weather has really turned and it's been wonderful and warm. The kids love wearing shorts each day. Matt hasn't had nearly the same amount of wardrobe disputes as he normally does.

We also got A's saucer out - I had to wait until Matt came home. Putting her at "their" level is a bit dangerous. We had to let them know that it's her toy, that you can't hug her head so tight, and you can't shake the chair so much. So far so good - we figure her days laying on the floor may be numbered - Grady grazed her with a chair the other night. There were a lot of tears from everybody.

The other highlight of the weekend was our trip out to the Mandan Airport to see the planes and then during afternoon naps - Matt finally got out to the range, he took E with. Was kinda his father's day trip. The goal is eventually to take them all but we haftah go with the ones that listen for now!
ALR: How was the range?
MJR: Pretty good
EER drags her clubs into the room.
ALR: Ohhh! You took your own clubs.
MJR: Yeah, once I loaded mine into the pickup, she tore off to the backyard to get hers.
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