We are working on finding a new normal... so far here's what I got....
1. Nothing will be clean.
2. Someone is always crying.
3. We are tired!!!!!!!!

I knew this whole dropping a third kid in wouldn't be easy but everyone says "Oh, the transition to two kids was WAY harder than to three - that one was easy." here's what I have to say to those Liars... Bologna! At one point I'm carrying A up and down the stairs while convincing E to sit on the potty versus see "what we've done" while G is attempting to learn how to fly off the kitchen chairs. Don't misinterpret that I'm not loving seeing the three of them interact but I would enjoy it much more on a solid 4 or 5 hours of consecutive sleep. A likes to party until midnight... I think the others have tasked her with attempting to wear down my spirits so they can do whatever they want. It's working.

We did take them all to the aquatic center the other night to burn off some steam... they have a little indoor play area and with the temps still below zero - everyone is getting cabin fever and sick of being inside. I did kick everyone outside this past weekend to handle the snow dump that we received. They didn't last too long and they weren't a tremendous help to Matt but I guess you gotta start somewhere.
Ainsley also got to meet her Great Grandma Dar this past week. Mom and her popped in and spent a little time snuggling.
EER and ALR go upstairs because EER has poo'd in her pullup.
ALR: Oh, no Eleanor, you got some on your shirt - you are going to get a bath in 10 minutes, you can go shirtless until then.
Three days later....
MJR is getting dressed in the morning.
Fight breaks out in another room.
MJR goes into other room.
EER looks MJR: Dad, where's your shirt?
MJR: It's in my room, I'm going to go put it on.
EER: You poop on your shirt?
MJR: I did not! I just haven't got it on yet.
EER: You poop on your shirt.
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