It's hard to believe Ainsley is 1 month old. We are still working on understanding a schedule of any sorts - she will sleep really well from midnight to 5 but getting her to go down is an act of congress!
Matt has started grilling and with that, I've been letting the kids go out on the deck with him - they think it's great. I don't know who is more excited to be out in the fresh air. We've also dug their cars out from storage. E had a bit of a meltdown that we think they are big enough to drive/Fred Flintstone themselves. We are working through it.
Everyone getting ready to leave in the morning.
MJR: Eleanor, let's put on your HelloKitty shoes and go.
EER: I want to wear my boots.
MJR: Eleanor, let's put on your shoes.
EER: Dad, I can't wear them.
MJR: Why?
EER: My shoes are full of mud, I can't wear them.
MJR looks at them. There is not a speck of mud on them.
MJR: There isn't any mud on them.
EER: YES, FULL of mud.
Takes shoes out of MJR's hand and throws them down the hall to the laundry room.
EER: I will wear my boots.
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