Five. We are Five.
That's like more than a booth.

I kept saying that to myself in the hospital - I'm not sure if I was convincing myself or was in shock or disbelieve or what. We had a daily routine - to a certain extent, while I was in the hopibal (as E would say it). After daycare, they would have dinner and then come up to visit Ainsley and I. Depending on how well our listening ears were working, they'd spend an hour before heading home to bed with Dad.
MJR, EER, and GRR heading home after the first night.
EER: My sister loves me.
MJR: Yes, she does.
Matt only was able to spend the first night with me, which felt a bit odd

compared to the other stays. He did come up during the days after dropping the kids off at daycare. We started on a Monday and left on a Thursday. Was nice to get settled at home and I will say, our first meal home, courtesy of a good friend - was wonderful. The kids ate, we ate, Ainsley slept. It almost made me believe that we've got this.

I also believed that on the first day of maternity leave - she woke, she ate, she slept. I got a nap, a shower, and two meals. The days got a little harder, especially because she likes to party all night when she wakes up but has a hard time getting back to sleep or going to bed at night. E and G adore her though. When they get home from daycare, Sister is the first one that they look for. E will ask and G goes on a hunt - after he finds her, gives her a little wave and then proceeds to bring her all of her belongings - her little lovey, her blankets, and whatever pacifiers he can get his hands on - all without us asking for this help. Meanwhile, E wants to hold her hand - tightly. If this child makes it with all her limbs in working condition to her first birthday, we will have reason to celebrate. We are working on gentle and also working on the appropriate place to kiss Sister - given the fact that noses are running on these children constantly, I'd like less touching but I get they are interested in her and want to be a part of her life. Hard to say no to that help and love.

Sitting on the couch -
MJR: Grady, do you want to hold Ainsley?
GRR nods and smiles enthusiastically
MJR puts ARR into GRR's lap
GRR immediately starts to nuzzle her and hug her.
MJR: Grady, we are sorry! We should have asked you sooner if you wanted to hold her.
GRR piles on the kisses
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