Awhile back we took our family pics...there was 1 pic that I wanted to do with just the four of us, while it was still the four of us to celebrate the growing family.
We found out this week who won the tug of war.
It's a girl!

Things just got really real. Like we almost have our name nailed down. We have a nursery theme I want to start doing. I have a paint idea. We told E and G. G didn't care and kept trying to take off his sock. E is having trouble figuring out who the brother is and who the sister is. Afterall, she's Grady's sister but he's not her sister... and she's getting a sister, as is Grady. So that will mean that she will have a sister and a brother but Grady will only have sisters... it's all being sorted through her brain. But we have made progress. If you ask her what's in Mom's belly, she will say a baby and if you ask if the baby is a brother or a sister, she will tell you a sister. I'm not sure on the level of comprehension BUT all the answers are correct.
We had our Right Track appointments this week with both kids. These are always good for us. Immediately, our screener was impressed with Eleanor's vocabulary and how she strings words together. AND Eleanor was full of stories for her! She scored very high and her behavior isn't abnormal for the terrible twos. We talked some strategies we could use but our screener commented on how quick her mind is and how she's going to probably be steps ahead of trying to figure us out.
Grady was in a great space too! We need to work on blocks and stacking with him, which she acknowledged was a hard task but Matt and I've known we just need to dedicate time to it. Grady even showed off and gave us some utterances - Uh-oh (which is his signature, go-to word) and Ball came out too when he threw the ball across the room. I've heard it a few times when we read stories at night but that's the first time I haven't had to coach it out! After Wendy, our screen, left - it felt so good to know our kids are in a good place and starting to master their worlds.

Daycare was closed Thursday and Friday so they spent some time at Grandma Di's, even had a sleep over. Matt had them on Friday. Over the weekend, we raked leaves. Grady finally figured out how to play in the leaves.. he wasn't as good at it last time. He's starting to grow into his belly laugh! It was a beautiful weekend and the weather was bright and sunny. Actual Fall Weather. Not just pre-winter uck.

We spent some time with other family too this weekend - Auntie took Eleanor to the Pumpkin Patch. So she was excited to talk about that and add to her pumpkin collection. She likes to reorganize the pumpkins on the steps - so inbetween helping with leaves, that's what she did. And on Sunday we headed to Wes and Kristi's for soup and football - their kids played so well with Eleanor and Grady, was so nice!
EER and GRR get flu shots.
EER tells all about her bandaid
EER sitting on potty
EER: Mommy, see my bandaid?
ALR: Yes, I see your bandaid.
EER: That's my bandaid.
ALR: I know, honey.
EER: Brown bandaid
EER continues to point at bandaid which is serving as visual representation of battle scar.
GRR walks into bathroom.
GRR looks at EER
GRR reaches down and rips bandaid off.
5 full seconds of quiet and shock.
GRR walks out of bathroom.
EER looks in horror.
EER begins to cry.
EER: Grady took MY BANDAID!
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