And then you have Grady, who is all about the pointing right now. He wants more milk, he points at it. He wants a piece of toast or food, he points at it. So there he is, wandering about the patching pointing at pumpkins - while his Dad's wagon is brimming full. And then they look at me, "Um, I'll take the one that's as big as a snowball." AND what happens, they get like 15 of them! Aasta, a good friend, was there as she's been the coordinator this year - so she took our family pic. It was a good time and the kids didn't even notice it was way past their supper time!
We closed out the weekend with a cold snap and some playing inside. Eleanor's new favorite thing is to jump on her dad. At first it was just from the ground and then she grabbed one G's footstool and counts down which often is like this: 1,2,5,8,4,8,3,6. Following the countdown, she jumps... the best part is that even though there's a countdown you never know what the final "number" is going to be. At least you get a signifier of the counting that jumping is coming. I'm not wild about this "playing" but she does know that she can't do it with me... only her dad. I won't lie though, I laughed pretty hard when she jumped so hard that it knocked the wind out of him.
MJR: Grady's it's the best time of the year.
GRR: Bpp.
MJR: Fall colors, crisp air, best beers, college football.
GRR: Mpbbb.
MJR: If you breath hard, you can smell the death of the leaves in the air.
ALR rolls eyes.
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