It's a good thing we went to the patch when we did... the snow seems to have received an early flight in. I wasn't prepared at all! The leaves are covering the deck and under the leaves we still have flip flops out! The garden has barely been picked up... we haven't even tilled in the old, we haven't done the yard leaves or even taken the cushions off the patio furniture. I'm not ready for winter. And the past week seems that if it's not snowing, it's raining and gloomy. The sun hasn't been out for days.

With the snow, E and Matt went outside. It was the perfect occasion to show her her Peppa Pig boots - we'd picked them up a couple months ago and I couldn't remember the size - the saddest thing ever when we pulled them out. They are the same boot. We have two right foot Peppa Pig boots. I could have just bawled. I know she didn't care but now we can't take her in public with them. They even light up.

While the two of them were outside, Grady and I started going through winter clothes to see what I had for the kids to get them thru the season. I found hats, ponchos, coats, and some gloves. I probably need to spend some serious time going through again but I hopefully will get us through the next little bit.

We've also started processing. As a family. Which is not as fun and harmonious as it may sound. E was okay to help put tomatoes in the mill - but G was crabby because he wasn't part of the process. I ended up putting him in his chair and giving him a seat at the table for closer observation. That still didn't appease him - I had to bring in a prop so he felt part of something. Parenting is not for the faint of heart. We did huge flats of tomatoes. I lost count of how many Eleanor ate or how many she tried to have Grady eat. She would eat them like they were an apple.
MJR: Eleanor, quit licking the tomatoes.
5 minutes later.
MJR: Eleanor, take that out of your mouth.
2 minutes later.
MJR: No, we don't bite the tomatoes.
4 minutes later.
MJR: Quit eating them!
1 minute later
MJR: Why don't you go help Mom wash tomatoes?
We are probably 1/2 way thru and still have a bunch to do. We did a TON of applesauce. We will probably make another ton just to get through three kids next year.
Opening pheasant was a good one for Matt - we went to Grandma and Grandpa's to play and he shot at birds. That night we went to Alice's birthday party, a week early.
The next night we had pheasant fingers for supper. When Matt told her what we were eating, she was shocked! Like she understood but didn't know how it was possible.
EER coming inside from the cold.
EER: I make a snowman.
ALR: You did!
ALR thinking there wasn't enough snow to do that.
ALR to MJR: A snowman?
MJR: It's going to be a long winter.
ALR: What do you mean?
MJR: Her "snowman" is making a snowball and throwing it at you. That's fine if it was just snow but it's also leaves and whatever else she grabs.
ALR: Well, that's to be expected with her coordination and mittens.
MJR: It feels less snowman-y when she takes garbage from the garden to throw at you.
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