So we are still sick. I hate sick. Ugh. Last Friday I finally went in because I figured after weeks of sick it probably wasn't going away. The doctor laughed at me and said, next time, it's okay to come in sooner, I admire your attempt to not over dramatize and throw medicine at things but let's take care of it. And for the 3rd time this year, we took Grady into the doctor too on Monday. They think he's got RSV but because the treatment would be the same with or without the official diagnosis, we didn't test for it. Oh, and he's got another ear infection. My poor little baby has to sit on a nebulizer a couple times a day. Makes my heart sad but after just a few treatments he's already seeming to be feeling better. Meanwhile Eleanor continues to be the queen of Kleenex. Ugh... we need to catch a break.

This weekend was all about the meat. Matt and my family butchered hogs while I stayed home to watch Peppa Pig. Matt loves this stuff from the butchering to the sausaging to the smoking... he thoroughly enjoyed himself. These hobbies are a little easier to stomach than some others.

On Sunday, he smoked, I folded laundry and hoped for long naps and then Mom and Dad came to help wrap and spend a bit of time with the kids.

Someone turned 5mo old this past week and aside from peas, we've added sweet potatoes to his diet. He's good with that.
Wendy (Developmental Screener): yes, they are right on track. Regarding language, encourage Eleanor to use 2 word phrases: more milk, help up, bye bye, hi puppy. You'll start to see these emerge.
One month goes by.
All in living room, playing.
MJR puts feet on EER's chair, where she is reading books
EER pushes them off.
MJR puts them back on.
EER growls and pushes them off
MJR puts them back on.
EER puts her fist up to her face with her little pointer finger sticking out: No, No, Dad, No. No.
ALR starts to chuckle: Well, Wendy said she's start using 2 word phrases.
MJRR: well, I didn't think it would be that!
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