After a week of sick... we spent the weekend in recovery mode. A little bit of clean up, a little bit of relaxing, a lot of EER&GRR. Our world changed a bit when we saw Eleanor crawl onto the side of Grady's crib and work her strength up and over the rail so she was beside him. I'm not sure if he was scared or excited by this. I'm hoping we aren't anywhere close with her taking on her own crib.

Eleanor's been a bit of a handful lately. She's picking up on words but definitely is coming into her own spirit. She knows what she wants and doesn't. She's got a love/hate relationship with Lola. She for sure knows who Mama and Da are and will yell at us. Other words include Peppa (her favvvvvorite TV show), potty, poop, apple, more, mine, out, bye among the lot.

She decorated her Valentine's Day box this weekend. Since Grady's been in recovery mode and still weezey and congested, we thought it best to stay home. We had the family come over to watch the game. Grandpa and Eleanor worked on her Valentine's Day box for day care. It was very much a collaborative effort with some encouragement and some serious handwashing when it was all said and done. Grady did not make a Valentine's Day box since he'll be at work with me. He hung out with Grandma and watched the commotion of art.

The other big Grady news is that he officially started daycare. His first day was Monday. It was a bit weird to not have him around all day. It went pretty well - it does make pick up and drop off a bit more challenging but we'll find our new groove.
EER: Mama, Mama!
ALR answers her.
MJR: why doesn't she call out for me?
ALR: She does. She just says Mama better.
MJR: Do you think there's a reason?
ALR: I don't know...maybe it's because she's interested in Llama Llama lately and hears it more.
Later that week in bed.
ALR: I heard you reading to Eleanor while I rocked Grady to sleep. I could tell what book you were reading by the cadence.
MJR: really?
ALR: Yes, you read the train book and Llama Llama.
MJR: Yeah, do you like what I'm doing with Llama Llama?
ALR: I couldn't hear the words, just the rhythm.
MJR: I changed it to Llama Llama Red Pajamas and Daddy Llama.
ALR stares: seriously?
MJR: Well, you said she was good at saying Mama probably because of Llama Llama. So I'm taking control of the game.
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