This week is brought to you by the letter S for snot or maybe it should be K for kleenex. Ugh. Matt's snotty, I'm snotty, Grady is congested and booger-ey, and Eleanor is the queen of snotsicles. She knows where every kleenex box is located in each house and will go get 1 or 2 or 15. My Amazon subscription is sending a supply refresh next week and it's good timing. I even stayed home on Friday to try to get ahead of it. I'm not sure it worked.

On Saturday we had the Dagman Christmas. We had rescheduled earlier due to my Grandmother being in the hospital but it all worked out to go out to Merri's and celebrate. It was a nice day, a little hectic with two kids - especially at present opening and considering that was golden nap time. But it all worked out. Was fun to see Eleanor play a bit with her cousins and is good to catch up with the family.

Grady had a big milestone... he started to eat "real" food. We had tried oatmeal cereal at Christmas but when his ear infection hit, things came to a stall. We finally got back on track. Peas! He took it like a champ, we hope we are moving closer to maybe sleeping through the night but who knows.

We also had another big first...shared tub time! There was a lot of splashing, but also a lot of giggling!
EER walks into GRR's dark room: Bye!
ALR: Eleanor come on, let's go. Grady's trying to sleep
EER: Bye!
MJR rocking GRR: Good Night Eleanor.
EER starting to walk out but turns back: Bye!
EER goes up to MJR and makes kissey sounds
MJR reaches down and kisses her: Good night Eleanor
ALR: Let's go, Eleanor, it's bed time.
ALR escorts EER out of room into her room.
ALR begins to grab pajamas out of drawer turns around to empty room
EER has pushed door open again: Bye!
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