Well it's been a crazy week...

This was the first week that we started dealing with no daycare. Our daycare is moving and are between buildings due to a jerkface landlord. It's all going to be okay and in 6 weeks it won't matter. Until then, we are playing a game of "Who takes the baby?!"

The week started with the baby at work because we got almost 20" of snow, it was Eleanor's first snow and it was the perfect type for little girls. It was snowman snow....thick, wet, heavy, and in abundance. Was glad Eric is with us because between him and Matt, they definitely took turns shoveling and blowing. I even did a bit of blowing to help them keep up. The snow came down in 3 days, cancelling school and requiring Matt to go into work from 10 pm - 6am. Our house had a schedule all of it's own. I was so glad there was a break on the final day so Dad could clear the path to the interstate and Mom could come and watch Len for a day. She also took a turn with Auntie for a day. Next week she's spending quality time with Grand

On the weekend we did some holidayish things. We decorated Matt's tree. It's a fresh year... so Matt, Eric, the baby, and I went and picked it out... We went with a 8.5 foot Frasier - which has the soft, short needles. I have been putting decorations up for a bit of time now. It's a bit different this year as I've been slowly putting them up around Len's wake/sleep schedule. I'm hoping that as she gets older, that we do this together but I have a feeling we are a few years out.
The protest is still going on. It's getting old for us locals and I'm disappointed to see who the victims actually are. I watch these individuals expect and demand things without following the proper rules set forth. This past weekend I was at Lowe's. I watched a group buy a heater... the cashier then had to tell them not to run it inside as people will die and that it also had to use diesel. In the diesel there has to be an additive so the heater/diesel doesn't gel up. I then watched the protests wander around Lowe's looking for the additive to put into their heater. This further told me that they are not prepared to be here and in the weather we are enduring and will endure over the rest of the winter.

We also took a trip out to the farm. We are having some problems with Sam. We found out from a vet visit that he's mostly deaf with a side of selective hearing. It's hard as there are times that he wants to work for you or come and can't seem to get it and then there are times when he takes a 3 mile run or you have to go pick him up from across town.

Also on the holiday turn, we watched a holiday movie! A Hallmark special.. "Every Christmas has a Story" It was actually Matt's idea to watch it. He wanted to watch it because the Bismarck Airport's logo was featured. The movie was set (not filmed) in ND.
Best meal: Matt and I snuck into Panera with a sleeping Eleanor... even with her waking up, it was a nice meal after the Pride of Dakota show. Matt and I always like that one, even though there are a ton of people.
ALR: Have you thought about what we are getting Len for Christmas?
MJR: No.
ALR: Like you haven't thought about it or no, we aren't getting her anything.
MJR: We don't need to get her anything, she won't remember.
ALR: I know... but I will, I don't know if I can live with the guilt.
ALR sighs
ALR: I suppose if we get her a bond, it's not that glamorous to take a picture with for the memory books.
MJR: We could do that.
ALR: I feel like I'm do all the thinking here.
MJR stares.
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