It's beginning to feel a lot like CHRISTMAS!!! We are getting closer and the planning and whatnot is in full effect. Sure I'm a bit behind on baking, the only thing I've made to date has been a complete flop, dang caramel corn.

We've officially made it through one of the harder weeks of the no-daycare situation. This week here was the schedule. Monday with Kaplas down the street, Tuesday with Mom in the office until Len got too crabby, Wednesday with Candy until 2 and back to the office with Mom, Thursday was Dad/Daughter day, Friday was with Auntie. We both are ready to go back to daycare for the schedule and consistency. It did break my heart on Monday as she had so much fun with Evan and Arianna that she's been missing out on the kid interaction and that's something we haven't been able to consider. We don't know yet when daycare will open up again from the construction but I'm hoping it's January 3rd - I have really high hopes.

This week we also partook in our first big child Christmas rite of passage, Eleanor went and saw Santa! She was so dang cute! She sat on his lap, looked at him and began to smile, laugh and clap her hands. No meltdown, no fuss, even one of the elves exclaimed how cute she was and asked to hold her. Afterwards, we went to Hallmark and picked out her very first ornament. Matt is big on providing choices for her to choose. So there she was with three options... teddy bear, boots, and sheep - she had her favorite right away! She held the box, gummed it, and we had a hard time getting it out of her hand to purchase. She also won over the ladies at Hallmark who were excited to help her. It was a special night that made my heart sing for my little girl and her first holiday season.

We were busy and on the good for the weekend too. We visited

Mom in the hospital on Friday and Saturday. She had gotten an infection after her surgery and it creeped up into her eye. She was happy to have guests and it was a short stay, she was released on Sunday. I'm glad she was in the hospital for this short stay... finally forced her to calm and listen to her body and also got her out of the cold. It has been very cold here for the past weeks with temps in the negative 20s. We are hoping to just be above 0 for a bit to give us all a break. Saturday was a day to get stuff done around the house... cleaning, vacuuming, shoveling, and whatnot. Sunday was the Moser Christmas. This was Eleanor's first family Christmas celebration. She got tuckered out by the end of the day but she opened up a few presents, watched her cousins play, was passed around by the family a bit, had dinner, and then we crashed at home. All in all in was a nice day with the family and a wonderful start to one of my favorite seasons.
Best meal: Lynn did a nice job putting together the meal for the Christmas. I contributed mac and cheese with a lettuce apple salad to her ham, green beans, potatoes, and garnishes.
Berklee watches Eleanor playing on the floor in true Eleanor fashion, comes up to her and raspberries.
Berklee's mom: No, no, Berklee we don't spit.
Berklee (who is tired from three days of Christmas fun) meltsdown: But I was just playing!
Berklee's mom: when you spit, you spread germs.
EER: Plllllb!!!!
Berklee meltsdown again: SOb, But she's doing it... waaaaa!
ALR looks at EER: You aren't helping this situation.
EER: Plllllllbbbb!
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