August is almost over... I'm trying to figure out where it went and also with it, where did all my plans go? The garden hasn't gotten the attention that we like to give it. We have had a few harvests and my favorite thing is to do is sneak in a garden walk and check out the progress. Beans are coming to an end. Carrots are coming strong. Peas are over. Zuccs may still be a surprise. Peppers are happening as they please. Tomatoes are slllloooowwww. We have had a great run of herbs, which we did last year too but this year, I'm taking full advantage of them and dehydrating them. I've got the chives done as well as the oregano and a run of basil.

Someone has had a big week, she's had a few milestones worth noting but there's also the Mommy milestone that I've hit. I was rocking her one night before bed and it hit me that only a couple months ago, she was laid out across my chest sleeping. Now I'm filling a second box of clothes that she can't fit in anymore. This realization worked itself into a conversation with Matt that started with "our baby is growing so fast"
and ended with, "And what will I miss when she's at daycare?"
We had her three month pics too this weekend. This wasn't as intensive as her newborn shot... We only had 2 outfits. I'm so excited to see what she's come up with and was able to capture. That's how we started our Saturday and had a wonderful day together - not doing too much, just getting stuff done together as a family.

Best meal: Matt made a crab boil for me to celebrate three months. I've been dealing with the Pupps rash since before Len was born and was told that until we were done breastfeeding, it would keep flaring up. The crab boil was a celebratory meal. He did such a nice job making it for us! We let Eleanor watch the meal happenings as a encouragement for meals in the future!
Second runner up was our Friday date night where we started off at TJ Maxx and followed up with La Carretta shrimp cocktail and dinner.
MJR: I need shampoo. I've been using your Paul Mitchell stuff.
ALR: I replaced it already, and you've been what???!!!
Glares at him.
ALR: You've been using my Paul Mitchell stuff?
MJR: Uh, no, not at all.
ALR: I only use that stuff sparingly. I've had that bottle for over a year.
MJR stares back sheepishly.
ALR: I use it for special stuff when I need to have a good hair day.
MJR: Well, I didn't think it was that great.
ALR fumes.
ALR: And I suppose you've been using the shampoo and now the shampoo to conditioner ratio is off.
MJR: No, one day I used the conditioner because I didn't realize that it wasn't shampoo.
ALR: Quit. using. my shampoo.
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