I feel like things are flying by and getting neglected. Like my garden. We haven't spent near the time out there that I like. Mostly we both take turns running out to water. We have had a few things to harvest. Surprisingly a couple zucchini and some cucs, but some have gotten sunburnt. Our peppers are looking beautiful and we've eaten a handful of cherry tomatoes. Our tomatoes are rough as we've had blossom rot so we are hopeful that they come along a bit better as we get further into the season.
This past weekend was busy... we hardly saw the house! Saturday was a day at the lake. Matt logged some lake dive time with the fire department. It was so good to see old friends not only to catch up and introduce Len but to also see how things have changed in their lives. Children have grown, lives have continued to change, but some things still say the same and it's days like that that we miss the best part about Dickinson - the friends that we made.

Best meal: Matt says he's burned out on ground beef smileys... he can blame Eleanor for that. His taco compromise to me is street tacos.
MJR sets EER on her blanket on the table.
6 minutes later.
ALR: How did you get like that?
MJR walks over.
EER has moved and is now at a 45 degree angle with her feet in the fruit bowl and her baby mirror knocked over.
MJR: Um. How did you get like that.
EER gnaws on hand looking pleased with herself.
ALR: I think you better bring the playpen up.
MJR: Yep. I think we are done with the table.
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