It was our first full-day week back at work and with that I've determined the most heartbreaking thing is picking my beautiful sleeping baby up out of her crib and have her melt into my chest in a deep sleep and then to cram her into her little car seat and cart her off to work. She takes it like a champ with little fussing and often sleeps in the morning, but it doesn't mean I like it any.

We spent the weekend in the camper again. Last week was the dry run, this week it was for real. She didn't do quite as well as last weekend but overall we can't complain. She even enjoyed the campfire a bit this time. Matt enjoyed the maiden fishing trip of the Blue Fin and even put a fish in the boat but us girls stayed on shore. He felt bad that we weren't able to go with him and I felt bad that he was alone, but next year will probably be better for us to spend time together on the water.
We were camper locked a bit because of Eleanor but we did pass the time with cards.
Len is starting to show off some cute behaviors. She's started watching "another baby" in the mirror. She'll laugh and watch that baby but my favorite is how she imitates her father when he shakes his head and blows his lips at her. I wasn't aware of the copy-catting until the two of them showed me. I love watching the two of them at play. It's amazing how much she's changed in such a short time.
I will say her father and I weren't so impressed with her though as she was a handful while we were trying to get things ready to go. JUST as we were finally loaded up and ready, we looked at her, laying on the table, with her bunny blanket... sleeping. Same thing happened when we were packing the camper to go home. Someone wanted to be held while I was getting everything ready to head back. I finally set her down in the booth to grab something and when I looked over....sleeping. Just as Matt stuck his head in saying we were ready to pull out.
Best meal: Pepperoni Pizza Pies at the fire... with fresh garden basil. This is my camping favorite. For dessert it was nutella banana pies.
ALR, MJR, and EER sitting at campfire.
ALR and MJR are eating pizza sandwiches fresh from the pie cookers.
MJR sounding defeated: We are those people.
MJR sighs.
ALR perplexed: What people?
MJR: The ones with the campfire going before it gets dark.
ALR looks at EER who is eating her hand in her car seat carrier: I hate to tell you it may be the new norm.
MJR sigh again: I know.
5 minutes later
MJR: It is easier to cook when it's not dark out though.
The next night....ALR and MJR at campfire.
ALR: Do you feel better? It's dark out.
MJR: yes.
ALR: Hand me the fire poker for my s'mores.
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