By the time the time Sunday came...we'd come to be used to on the move and I'll admit, we were feeling a little tired and a little old for our age! We woke up and enjoyed a nice leisurely morning with breakfast that was light, a welcome relief as we could feel the pounds being added on by the good food and the road food we'd enjoyed.

It wasn't until Kevin left that I kicked myself for not getting a photo with us...sometimes I'm the worst blogger!
When we got into Vegas, we were picked up by our final favorite Remynse, Kevie and her Shannon. Was so good to see Kevie, it'd been like almost 2 years, and I'd been looking forward to meeting Shannon. Was nice to visit, they shared the Women's World Cup game with us while we ate and we got a bit of insight, which we could appreciate.
The meal at Dom Demarco's Pizzeria was amazing...between the salad that started it off or the pizzas, I'm not sure if I could pick a favorite. I wish the sizes had been smaller because I really gorged myself. Between good food, good people, and good conversation, we didn't stand a chance!
We then went back to their place and met their dogs who have their own personalities! I've got to say that about the Remynse dogs...between Merlin sitting on the arm of the sofa, Gracie's hunting/watch dog ways, Winnie's growls, Jameson's sweet demeanor, and Josie's scaredycat ways...they all made me laugh over the trip. They ALMOST have as much personality as their owners...Almost.
Standing in line waiting for TSA at Stockton.
MJR: It feels like we haven't been home for a million years.
ALR: Oh My GOsh...I'm so glad you feel that way too. I know it's only been like 5 days, less than a week!
MJR: Glad it's not just me too.
MJR: It feels like we haven't been home for a million years.
ALR: Oh My GOsh...I'm so glad you feel that way too. I know it's only been like 5 days, less than a week!
MJR: Glad it's not just me too.
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