
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The one with the screening, undies, and k registration

We are two weeks into the new year. The weather has been beautiful. This past weekend was a bit slow. Numbers are going down for COVID counts and the statewide mask mandate is expiring soon. I'm not sure that it's right but I guess we will see in 2 weeks or a months time. 

Ainsley had her Right Track screening this week and with a month to go before she turns two - she did great. Mastery of all but two areas with no concerns. Wendy, our screener commented how clear she speaks and how deliberate she is. We have been noticing it too. Her and I were alone playing this past weekend and I watched her take a shape toy, one that stacks, and work it until she had it right. I could see her little mind working away as she shifted pieces - taking them off and removing them - putting them back on. She's had a knack with puzzles too lately but it was fun to watch her work. She's also been starting to parrot counting, along with her regular things. She's still so tiny but watching her grow up has been so nice. I know it will all hit me one day and I will realize that my baby is slipping away but she's full of so much.

In terms of growing up, we hit a big milestone this weekend. I registered E for kindergarten. We've been having a lot of talks - is this right? Is she ready? She works with words and shapes and sounds and numbers and she's a sponge for all things learning. I think we are struggling with our excitement or fear of missing out sometimes but I think we have good momentum for realizing that she can do great things in the world. 

G has been doing amazing with his undies. I feel like we've come around the corner and are in the final stretch. Yes, we have to remind him regularly but we aren't have accidents like I anticipated us to have. We are even waking up dry. I'm not ready to pull the trigger yet on night time BUT this is a great pace. He's working on his sticker chart for reward and I feel like maybe our diaper days are numbered. Ains isn't getting any better but she's not any worse so that's progress. 

We kept busy this weekend. We went for a walk with the wagon. We filled the bird feeders. we had to

straighten up the yard a bit after gale force winds from the week. There were gusts over 100mph. The kids' playhouse in the back was knocked over. Matt thinks there may be some damage - plastic roof, awning but all in all, I think we'll come out of it ok. We also worked on some inside things - straightening the house up - cleaning closets, organizing life. Matt was pretty excited to find hockey jerseys that he bought the kids a million years ago. E asked if Ains's was a dress!

Matt also had beat me to the capitol - Session is in and I've been watching the live stream (thanks covid) but he was the first to testify. He did a great job - no questions. We don't expect to get that lucky when he's back in a week or two. Session is hard for him but I also know that he secretly enjoys the cogs and parts of the whole thing. 

EER and GRR are playing quietly in the kitchen. 
Very quietly.
Lola comes up the stairs nonchalantly. 
Lola sees EER.
Hesitation registers across her as she's unsure if she should go back downstairs OR continue on her path.
EER sees Lola.
EER bolts down to grabs her.
Lola does a double step as she determines her path. 
Lola gets away.
EER looks at ALR who is looking at her.
EER: I was going to pet her.
ALR ohh, I see.
Twenty minutes later, EER walks by cradling a irritated Lola in her arms. 

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