
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Two Turkey Thanksgiving

 Happy Thanksgiving! 

We've been busy this week. It was actually the first weekend that we've all been home all weekend this month. The kids had busy weeks at school and have been talking Thanksgiving and thankfulness. E's teacher is on quarantine right now so that's been hard for her a bit and worries about her but we are talking through it. 

For the holiday, we stayed in town and went to Eric's. Matt smoked a turkey and Eric deep fried one. They both did a really nice job. The kids had helped me with the cranberries and we also brought the turkey and a corn casserole. Matt made a pie that went over well. Eric may have enjoyed it the most! It was a nice day. The kids played around a bit and we headed home and watched Charlie Brown. 

It was a long weekend but there were some really nice days in the mix. It was Matt's first Black Friday where he really low-keyed it. I felt bad for him as I know he enjoys the day. He did pick up a few things but not like he usually does - no TV, no early morning rushing. The kids and I started the salt dough ornaments. We also worked to clean house so we could decorate for Christmas. 

The kids have been a little rambunctious. E has been all about Lola (much to Lola's dismay). She wants to carry her around, she wants to sit with her in her lap, she wants to keep her held tight. Lola ain't having it. We had to talk about kitty signs, what angry tails are, what angry meows are and why Lola scratches. Ains has gotten into books. She has a solid rotation of 6 - 2 of which are basically the same (Mr. Brown can Moo - the abridged and non-abridged version). G is working on potty training - that's another story. Matt took them all for a walk on Saturday so I could get things laid our for decorating. 

We started working on decorations - the majority was done during naps but E was up to help. She was so excited and had a hard time focusing, wanted to do it all, all at once. It was a bit overwhelming for me. I did have to get Matt involved in the process to help. We got a few things up but did stop so we could enjoy a little and calm down. 

We also had my Grandma over on Sunday. Mom and Dad had brought her up for a weekend visit. Ainsey decided Grandpa Perry could read Mr. Brown to her. She's a fierce little beast but we did laugh as she's learning her siblings' names. 

Daycare/School reports back: What are you thankful for?
GRR: My bed.
EER: Turkey and my toys

Tucking kids into bed on the day after Thanksgiving.
ALR: Okay, I'll see you tomorrow morning.
GRR: Tomorrow is Christmas?

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