Another week with a lot of happenings. Michele came and stayed with us early on in the week as Matt and I went back to Fargo for my eye touch-up. We thought we'd take a little time to just be us. I won't lie I'm getting the travel itch so bad, Vegas was nice but the trip didn't pacify it like I hoped - only made me want to find a beach and some sand more. It's probably a good thing the pandemic is on because we wouldn't really be able to go anywhere anyway but the thought is there and a overnight to Fargo was a nice thing. We left midday and stayed downtown. Was weird to see downtown so shutdown. The icerink was up so that was cool but it wasn't busy and so many businesses were closed for the day. The next morning after a work call and a bit of things, we took off to eat at a restaurant - Beer and Fish Company. It was awesome, food - good, drinks - good, ambiance - good! That may be my new favorite Fargo food joint. We had the tuna tartar guac to start. I followed up with shrimp tacos and Matt did a duo fish and chips with halibut and cod. We even took a few plates home for supper that night.
The rest of the week was catch up but Friday started an all Christmas weekend. Friday was a night that I look forward to every year and as the kids get older it's an even bigger deal. Light Night! Remynse tradition - Taco John's to have nachos navidad and then drive around looking at lights. After we take family pictures, we typically break out the candy canes and let them enjoy. We've chosen a different location each year to take our pics. In the past we've done the capitol or the chmielski's corner. This year we got out at peace park. Right now, I think our family is in this place where pics are haaaarrrrddddd. We had another go at Chmielski's - where the kids were enchanted by the Grinch and Elsa and the lights and all the fun.

It was a beautiful night. I had to laugh after we got everybody buckled in and the candy canes were handed out. I said, Hold up your candy canes! And I see this little hand pop up with this little red candy cane. E and G were so excited to have their's. They didn't last long into the night. Everybody was out by 8:00. Not just a little out either. Full out - candy cane stuck on their face out. E's was a full mess, especially when it got stuck in her hat! But this tradition to me is beautiful - it's so simple and straight forward and to me what Christmas is about. Enjoying each other, making memories... I thought about what I saw while I rocked the baby to sleep. The cars driving the streets like us, the party buses and limos, the people walking through some displays....people taking time to decorate for the season and crowds appreciating it and hunting each house out. I hadn't really given this concept a ton of thought. People making this celebratory temporary art and how others are impacted. There is a huge evergreen down from our house that decorates like it were in their house, we wait for them to put stuff up each year. A carousel from a gazebo too that we look for. These houses are part of my family traditions and the people that live there have no clue. Tonight we watched a couple get engaged. He got down on one knee under a million twinkle lights, right there in a stranger's yard. A yard that 11 months out of the year would have seemed ridiculous but not tonight. They will come back and talk about that light display for the rest of their lives. I don't know if the kids will remember tonight but I hope that we create these moments that will light their forever.
Other ongoings for the week include Eleanor's Christmas program - it had to happen remote this year and it was recorded by her teacher for us to watch. She picked out her own outfit and I happily did her curls. She's been singing jingle bells like crazy - which is one of her Dad's favorites, he knows more than just verse 1. She also watched the Polar Express and seems fascinated by that.
Usually I try to grab a conversation or snippet from our house but... sometimes a picture (or 5) speaks a 1,000 words and conveys such strong emotion.
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