This past weekend, we went to Vegas... you know for the weekend. Like it's a normal thing. It was so much fun. Kevie and Shannon invited us down and we've been talking about it for about 3 years and we decided we needed to quit talking and do. Don't get me wrong - COVID traveling was enough to sky rocket my anxiety but I also knew we weren't going to be crazy with hotel stays and tourism spots.
We left Thursday morning, arrived in time for lunch at Pizza Rock. We had the amazing margarita pizza - the fluffy dough and sauce followed by the melty cheese and the basil waiting to be eaten, it was amazing. We also did the Detroit style but the other was better in my mind. We left fat and happy. We explored downtown a bit and hung out in the art district. It was fun to see the Burning Man sculptures. We took in a few antique shops - which were crazy the stuff. My favorite is the "Let's make it a lamp" aisle. Type writer, camera, water ski, snow ski, carousel... let's make it a lamp. I feel like I need to put things like that in my house... I'll call it inspiration.
After a craft brew and an impromptu run to Trader Joe's, we headed back to their place - caught up with the dogs and Kevie made a glazed salmon and sticky rice. The best part of the day was at night though - I was in on the secret but Jason and Carolin, his finance, made an appearance. They had flown in from CA to join in the fun. Matt was so surprised - "What the fu(% are you doing here!" We caught up for a bit, made plans for the next day and went to bed - well some of us. Jason and Carolin made their own fun and Shannon finally had to get after Matt and told him it was time to go to bed too - or at least that's what he thought!
The next morning, we headed to the golf course. I hadn't golfed since I was pregnant with Grady and it showed but I had a great time. I haven't laughed that much for so long - it was Kevie, Jason, Matt and I. Everyone was bantering back and forth - there were some good shots, there were some water shots, there was some wildlife, Jason may have had a few DNRs but everyone gave as well as received. It's times like that that I wish we lived so much closer to them and could do that on a regular basis.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Eleanor played with the kittes - whom both received the name Rosie. Grady rode around with Grandpa. Ainsley cut through her top eye teeth and followed everyone around. I heard about hay bales and on the way home from picking them up, E took a snoozer in the back seat. Her brother and sister picked on her and it seemed that nothing had changed from when we had left.
MJR and Kevie setting up the chiminea.
MJR to ALR: Do you see this?
ALR: Yes - it's a large fire tube.
MJR: Right! I want one.
ALR: I've wanted to get one too - I've been looking at spring clean up
MJR and Kevie begin dropping logs into the tube.
Kevie laughs: Well, Matt used to be a firefighter so we are covered right?
MJR: There's no kids around - we are fine!
MJR runs hand over fire shooting from tube.
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