Dentist Appointments. We've been reading about Peppa and George brushing their teeth and the tooth fairy and all sorts of fun things about Dr. Travis or Dr. Elephant. Grady went first on Tuesday and E went on Wednesday. They both did great. For G's first time, he was so happy. His word right now is "yepper" so anything they would ask, Yepper this and Yepper that. He wasn't too sure about the chair that reclined back and held the arms a bit but opened his mouth and let them look and count. Great appointment. E was a bit lax and silly. She needs to sit in the chair versus lay but I was happy that she had a great cleaning and was so excited that she even brought them a picture.

Daycare calls ALR
ALR: Hello? (there's always a worry that someone is sick or hurt when daycare calls)
Heather: Amanda, Eleanor is saying that she has a dentist appointment?
ALR: Yes, she does - I'm sorry we should have told you.
Heather: She says it is right now and is refusing to rest at naptime.
ALR: Oh no, she got confused, tell her it's after nap. Dad will pick her up and bring her and then we'll go.
Later that day.
EER: I told Heather that I was going to see Dr. Travis, so she knew.
ALR: Yeah, I heard that you told her.
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