So one of my absolute favorite things to do right now is to load up the kids, their bikes and helmets, Ains's stroller and head up to the capitol. They have been riding like crazy at home but the trails around the capitol are wider and have some hill to them so they can glide a bit. Both kids listen so well and it feels good to get out. They like seeing the capitol and the statues and flowers and it's usually pretty empty. We go and my heart feels good like all the things going on in the world right now don't matter that it doesn't impact us - which I know is super silly but in that moment it's all good.

Summer is fully sinking in - the weather is warming, the garden is growing (despite the handling and help from my people), I started back to work on the 1st. I don't love it. Despite not having a place to really work - I loved being home, punching things out, and getting things ready for when people came home. I could work on the meal, I could make beds, the days just seemed to fly by. It also helps that I couldn't keep my hat on straight and was busy af. Between message crafting, website updating, event working, graphics, the days were crazy. I will admit I'm sick of teams meetings but I have a feeling I'm not alone in that shoe. I've worked crazy dumb hours in other jobs before but I did like the work I was doing. The twitch in my eye is almost gone too so that's positive.

Another sign of summer - we had a campfire. The kids were on cloud nine. We had prepped them before and they were excited to tell daycare and excited to help Dad collect sticks and they were excited about the idea of smores. Ains had her very first smore. I would think she would deem it a success. E loved every bit of it and Grady thought it was great until it wasn't and handed the sticky mess to me and wandered off.
We have had a few rough nights with the kids. With the longer hours of sunlight, E & G are not interested in going to sleep at all. They will screw around in their beds, with each other, with their stuff. Drive me crazy. We have put a darkening shade in their room, we'll see how that goes. I don't love it as I like the natural light coming through their white blind but I can't have them up until 9:30 every night - even for my own sanity, I want an hour to myself! Ains is working on molars and it seems that it's killing us. We are up for hours. HOURS. Once this week we were up from 12 Am - 4 Am. I love the girl but I need some sleep. I'm hoping we catch a break soon.
MJR is bringing all three home from daycare at the end of the day.
Previous event of note, MJR and ALR had lunch out together to commiserate a tough night of teething.
EER: Dad, where did you get that glass?
MJR: What glass?
EER: And those napkins?
MJR: I don't know.
EER: Did you go to Burger Kings?
MJR: No - I didn't go to Burger King.
(Editor note: It was McDonalds)
EER: Are you sure you didn't go to Burger Kings!?
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