We are in that space between Christmas and New Years where who knows what day it is, what meal it is and if you can sleep in or not.

Matt spent Monday with the kids - all of them, himself. I had to work and we didn't have daycare. He finished his prep for Christmas and discovered that Ainsley can master stairs - especially the deep stairs all by herself. Afterward, he took them to the Heritage Center. Their favorite part was the GIANT Rudolph in the entry! They also went to the Capitol and looked at the giant Christmas tree in the legislative lobby. From there they went up to the 18th floor and looked out.

Christmas Eve was Tuesday morning, we opened presents up as a family. We are working to start our own traditions as a family and it's fun to see them partake in them. Matt did the stockings and they loved picking through them. Candy Kanes brought a huge smile! Ha! E got a playfort from us along with a book, a unicorn sequence outfit, a game, and a bedside organizer. G got his own desk, a big machines book, a hess truck, a car toy, and his own vest. Ainsy got the standard first year gift - a crocheted set of play food, hers was a tea set.
After lunch, we headed to Lansford for Christmas. We had a great supper of apps, dips, and lobster tails - which my children gobbled up as quick as we did! They helped Grandma and Grandpa decorate their Christmas tree and then got into Christmas jammies and prepared for Santa's arrival.
Both E and G were so excited about Santa the next day.

We spent the morning opening presents and sorting through all the gifts. Ains couldn't hang that well with the early morning and by 10 decided that she was done.. had 2 ounces of her bottle, grabbed her pacifier, slipped it in her mouth, and rolled over to sleep.

We had breakfast, played, packed, and just after a late lunch of pizza, headed home. The vehicle was plum full between all the amazing gifts (including Matt's blackstone) and food. We didn't even hit 83 and all three were asleep. The olders slept all the way to
Bismarck but Ainsley got hungry and upset before Washburn.

We spent the next couple days sorting and organizing and trying out Christmas toys. Just in time for our final Christmas at the farm. It was a bit more hectic this year with three littles and keeping everyone moving in the same direction. Each became a bit more patient when they opened up their Christmas toy to play with. G's was a potatoe head but he was most excited about Grandma's spatula. E got a doctor cart (with doctor coat) - which was a nice compromise from the doctor office that she actually wanted. Ainsy got a play tissue box - which honestly was a hit between all three kids!
We had prime rib and king crab for lunch and all ate until we were miserable. I shared my raspberry Belgian beer with my parents who had varied reactions.
It was a wonderful Christmas season and I'm so very lucky and my kids are so very lucky to have so many people love them.
EER burst into bedroom: MOMMA! DAD! SANTA CAME!
ALR: Are you sure?
EER: Yes, he filled out Santa sacks with toys, let me turn on the light,
ALR and MJR: Don't turn on the light!
EER: he ate the cookies, he gave the carrot to the reindeer, he didn't even eat all the cookie and Ainsley didn't get any toys but he filled ours ... (chatter continues)
MJR: Do I tell her that it's not wake up time?
GRR handing out presents: Hea-by!
GRR hands out another present: Hea by
MJR: Grady, not all of them are heavy!
GRR: Yes, hea-by
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