
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019Q&A, New Year, New Decade

This isn't just the start of a new year, it's the start of a new decade. Matt looked at me the other day and listed off all the things we've accomplished in the past decade.

  • Started dating
  • Got engaged
  • Planned a wedding
  • Got married
  • Bought 3 houses
  • Moved 5 times (give or take) including 3 of those moves being over 100 miles
  • Had 3 kids
  • Traveled to 5 countries and 27 states
  • Had 7 jobs between the two of us (5+2)
It's not a small list and my life has completely changed. Some days I'm not sure if I recognize myself 
(I don't really have pics of just me!)

I even look back on my 2018 questions.
How's work going? Where are we working?
Really well - I'm in a great spot. I love what I'm doing and the work I'm pouring myself into at the ND State Chamber. It was hard to leave state government but it's been a good move for me. Matt has been with the city for over 5 years now and has fallen in the routine and may be looking for more challenges but the time and experience is giving him time to seek his accreditation. I was so proud of him for getting his paper published among his peers this year, something he's been working on for over 2 years. 

What is Eleanor into?
I was surprised when she asked Santa for Polly Pocket this year as it wasn't on my radar. But was excited to get it. She loves art, coloring, painting, projects, paper. She's still into Peppa but I see that fading a bit as she is interested in dolls and barbies.

What is Grady saying?
His vocab is coming along.. he makes me laugh. There was a lot of "gosh dangit" all summer but now it's "Oh my Gawd/Gosh" He's pretty easy going but if you push him too far gets crabby. His new thing now is "no" and then when you get after him he'll "raspberry" at you. Talk about boiling my blood. 

What is the new baby's name?
Ainsley Ruth. Or as she's been called Angry Roof or Ainsey. Matt and I were set on Ainsley ever since we selected Eleanor's name. 

How do the siblings get along?
Although they hate when Ainsey gets in their stuff, they get along so well. Grady loves to say Hi and Bye to her and Eleanor loves her and coos about her so much. We have to get after her for picking her up and over mothering her but it's like they knew from the beginning that they belong together.

How has the family changed?
Someone is always crying. Someone is always tired. We are all very loved. We work on identifing feelings - frustrated, happy, mad, sad, appreciation - some days are easy and we all get along and then the next thing you know Eleanor bops Grady on the head with a book, Grady pulls Eleanor's hair and throws his tractor at her. There is nothing consistent about this circus.

What are we celebrating?
Matt's success with his paper and working on the next step of the process. Eleanor's artwork and singing, Grady driving cars, throwing/kicking balls, Ainsley's clapping. Clean plates, made beds (E is an amazing bed maker - she does have 15 layers or so she piles up but they look dang nice), and nice hugs.

What are we sorrowing on?
I miss Janice - I think of her almost every day, especially during the holidays. We are seeing our grandparents age and it makes us worried for our parents. But all in all - we are very lucky. We may have a bit of sorrow when it comes to paying for daycare but we understand it's part of the game right now in life.

Where have we been?
Matt traveled to Nashville for work and he and I went with Wes and Kristi for an adult weekend but that's really as far as we traveled this year. Right now it's hard to travel - maybe next year will be better? 

What does 3 kids actually look like?
A total schitshow. It's wonderful but a total mess. 

Is Matt going for his masters?
Kinda - the accreditation is similar BUT it's not formal classes - right now is not a good time for us to pursue that.

What hobby is Matt driving Amanda crazy with?
Hunting - so much hunting shows and hunting books and hunting gear. Ugh. I think I preferred the golf craze. 

Is Amanda actually sleeping through the night? 

SO here's my 2019 questions for 2020.
Is Amanda actually sleeping through the night? What trips have we taken/where have we gone? What is Eleanor doing? What is Grady doing? Is Ainsley talking yet and what is she saying? Are we in Bismarck? What are we celebrating? Is Grady potty trained - I'd celebrate that! What is Eleanor drawing? Have we painted some walls at the house? What are sorrowing on? When were we most busy? What advice do I have for the coming year? What do I wish we would have done differently?

And for the end of the decade - 
where are you? what are you doing? are you happy? what are the kids doing - they will be 13, 12, and 9)? What is Matt doing that is driving Amanda crazy? Where have we traveled?

Here are the first pictures of the kids in 2019.

For our house to yours... enjoy the next 366 days (yes, it's a leap year) as the days may be long but the years are so short. 

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