It's been a crazy week... Policy Summit was this week and it was a flurry scurry at the end. AND we celebrated Matt's birthday. Matt has never been super excited about his birthday but I want the kids to also get that it's important so I bought balloons and got him a special cake - or a lemon pie, and also got a few presents for him to open. The kids thought it was fun to blow out the candles with him.

We also finally celebrated our anniversary this weekend - sure it was last week but we weren't in any place or condition to really take time for ourselves. Michele and Randy came down and spent the night with the kids and we took off for Fargo and went to the Fargo Air Museum's big fundraising event, we were given tickets from Kim and Jon so it was a triple win. Good supper, fun event, and getting to catch up a bit with good friends. We did bid on a few silent auction items to no avail BUT the highlight was Matt buying a ticket to for the Aviation Gin and winning it!

We bummed a bit in Fargo - had brunch at Granite City and also took in Costco (isn't that what all party people do). When we got back, we said good bye to Grandma and Grandpa and decorated the front steps with pumpkins and gourds that we got from neighbor Vern. Here's hoping all the dropped pumpkins will survive!!
ALR and GRR getting ready for GRR to take a nap.
Reading Brown Bear.
Door swings open.
EER: Mama - can I get some books to take to Dad?
ALR: Yes, you can.
EER grabs 6 books and walks back to the door.
ALR: Eleanor, please close the door.
EER sets books on the floor. Door closes.
GRR: Bye, ElNor
Door swings back open.
EER: You have a good nap, buddy.
EER walks back.
EER: High five?
High five ensues.
EER: Knucks?
Knucks ensues.
EER: Okay, you have a good time and I'll see you in a bit.
EER grabs each side of his face and kisses him
GRR: Bye ElNor.
EER walks back to the door.
EER: Okay, I'm going to go check on Dad. You have a good night.
GRR: Bye ElNor
GRR waves.
EER: I'll miss you, Grady.
EER walks back in.
GRR grabs both sides of her face, kisses her.
ALR: okay, okay. Go check on Dad, Grady needs to take a nap.
EER: Okay, I'll see you in a bit. You have a good rest....
Chatter continues as door shuts.
GRR in a quiet voice: Bye ElNor.
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