This year it's 36. There are other numbers that are important in my life or cause me to stop and think.
3 - yes, the obvious is the three kids in three years but we also were married three years before we had our first kid.
48 - the number of the first cow that I ever owned. To be honest, I can't remember if I ever bought said cow or it was gifted to me in exchange for labor.
Ironically, when I started riding the bus, the first bus that I rode was number 48.
37.50 - the amount that is paid out to a top bet ($25) blackjack. Whenever I hear this specific amount I appreciate the work and hours that I put in myself to help put myself through college.
236 - the address of the first house that I ever bought - and bought by myself. The first house that I bought with Matt was 635.

4 - the number of houses that I have bought, either alone or with Matt
5D - the number of my grandfather's racecar... but also the number of one of my dad's cows that shaped the direction of his herd. I never saw the racecar but I remember hearing about it from my mother and hearing the memories in her voice.
52 - the street address of the house I grew up on.
100 miles - how far I've ever lived away from home - Minot and Dickinson both fit in that radius.
8 - England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, St Maarten/St Martin, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, the number of countries I've visited... and twice to England and St Maarten both.

24 - the age I thought I'd be when I'd have my schit together. I didn't.
1 - the number of husbands I've had.
I don't know why 36 years makes me suddenly feel oldish. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm way old or old but I have become very aware that I'm not as young as I once was.
MJR walks into daycare with G wearing a headband (which is his sister's)
MJR: So, the headband, don't worry about it. He's in this Bret Michaels phase right now, we are just going with it.
Daycare teacher: who's Bret Michaels?

So there it is. I'm 36. Entering Middleaged-ness. I have mom jeans and mom shoes to go with my mom-bod and mom mentality. I can't complain I even got to share my birthday candles with a singr and a spitter!
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