It was a BIG week in our house.
It was the last week of having Three Under Three... but we'll get to that later.

It was also the first week back to work - on a part time basis. Ainsley and I aren't impressed by this upset to our schedule. The first day back was actually supposed to be my second day back. On Monday, I dealt with my turn at the flu. On Tuesday, we got out of the house on time but the entire way to work, she cried. I couldn't even be mad. On Wednesday, we had a better run but after she woke up from a morning nap, I noticed she had spit up on herself. Sure, it's nice to be a productive member of society, who showers everyday but it's hard to believe we are back to reality already.

On Friday, we were in full birthday mode. We went out for pizza, per the birthday girl's request, at A & B Pizza and then afterwards, we went to the band day parade. They liked the candy gathering.

On Saturday, it was her birthday. We put balloons outside her door - her reaction made us chuckle - she almost seemed mad that they were there! Kept asking why they were there! Matt gave her her flower - she got somewhat shy about it - different from the previous years. We had pancakes for breakfast per her request and she got her first present from us - an owl purse.
We had her party midday. This little girl should feel so loved. Most of her guests traveled over 30 minutes to see her... John, Allison, and Oliver flew in for the day (MN), Wendy (KS) brought Grandma Elaine, Shantelle and Alice came from Dickinson, both sets of Grandparents traveled in too. The only ones who didn't have too far to come were her Aunt, Uncle & Amanda, and Great Grandma Dar. It so nice to see people in her life care about her. We went full Threeranosaurus Rex. All the kids (Even Ainsley) got dinosaur tails - was cute to watch them play together with them on. Would have been better if the weather would have cooperated as it was a bit cold and damp but it was a beautiful day. We were finally able to get the bounce house out late in the afternoon.

Sunday was Mother's Day. It was pretty lowkey. Did things around the house, went to Sam's club, and afternoon naps for everyone. I think we all needed it after a crazy week. We ended the day with E's final present from us.. a fishing pole. Matt and her went out to the lake to try it out. They didn't catch any fish but a school of turtles was flirting and visiting with them. It made me laugh that she took her other gift from us with her... her crossbody owl purse.

Other highlights of the week:
Grady has started saying Eleanor's name and it may be the cutest thing I've seen.
Eleanor's favorite thing to do is hold Ainsley's hand when they are in the car together.
Eleanor got her hair trimmed.
Friday morning
ALR: Eleanor, do you want to take cupcakes to daycare to celebrate your birthday with your friends?
EER: YES!! My Birthday!
Brings cupcakes out.
EER and GRR go wild: Hooray! (clapping)
ALR: Dad will carry them to daycare for you.
MJR loads up EER and backs out of the driveway.
MJR: I need to buckle Grady in before I can grab your cupcakes. I won't leave them
EER gives side eyes.
MJR: I promise.
EER: Don't forget my cupcakes.
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