
Monday, May 6, 2019


Our week started at 1:00 on Monday.
Grady is a horrid night sleeper and usually wakes up crying or restless at least once per night. Some nights, he'll go back down after gulping water but others will result in some back rubbing or convincing. We aren't sure if it's dreams, teeth, night terrors, sick, pain, thirst, hunger, what. Usually E sleeps right through it.. but not Monday. After we got him settled, I heard her come out of the room and I saw the bathroom light flicker on. My assumption: she thinks it's morning so she's decided to start her morning with some potty time and maybe some light reading - we've caught her doing this before so I wasn't too surprised.

Boy was I wrong, I walked into her sitting on the footstool surrounded by puke. That stunk. All over the floor. And she was still puking. Due to the extent of the scene, I called for reinforcements, put E in the tub, and we split the crime scenes. We ended up changing a couple Grady diapers before getting everyone back to sleep. In the meantime, Matt too puked - I was proud of him for making it in an easily cleaned situation that did not requiring a bed stripping. Ugh. So much for a little bug over the weekend. We all spent a day home together on Monday. Grady was well enough to go to daycare on Tuesday and Matt to work on Wednesday. Eleanor got hit the hardest. She puked the most and teaching the girl to puke in a bucket has not been the easiest. We started to finally get the hang of it a bit late Tuesday night. So much for a relaxing, productive final week of maternity leave. She finally was good enough on Thursday to go back... we waited until the afternoon just to be sure.

We had a picnic at the capitol again - complete with cupcakes. It was a beautiful Friday night!

The bug followed us a bit into the weekend hampering some Derby plans but instead we tried to get some stuff done around the house. Matt had a heavy concentration on the yard - getting the sprinklers going, replacing broken heads, aerating, weed and feed, pulling out the yard stuff. I attempted to clean the
house but then had the realization that the party is a whole week away and I live with a demolition team specializing in food distribution. 

EER holding ARR
MJR: Eleanor, you haftah be careful with Ainsley's head.
EER: I know, Dad, it's fragible. 

At the capitol. A couple guys leave the building.
ALR: Honey, those aren't penguins, those are men... they are just that far away that they look little.

p.s. Our next week started very similar as I was puking at 1:22 on Monday morning. I made it to the bathroom.

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