It's been nice for about a week and when I say "nice" here's what I mean. The snow was almost melted, the wet spots around the yard aren't full on ponds but slight puddles, and light coats are available while gloves and hats are semi-optional. We even have been allowing the kids on the deck with their light jackets but not requiring shoes. Here's the other thing... Lola has finally been able to go outside and has ventured off the deck. In the past week, there's been three "presents" left behind for us. It's going to be a long summer with her.

That was the first part of the week... the last part of the week delivered another blanket of snow to cover everything all over again. It came over night and it was like the melt had never happened. We did get outside to enjoy it a bit and the kids had a blast in the snow... they liked to "throw" snowballs at Matt and I and then made a snowman (complete with carrot nose) with Matt in the front yard. The bunny that's been living under the evergreen bushes should be pretty happy with his new friend! By the end of the day, there was still snow in the yard but there was a good melt started. Here's hoping for a clean yard soon again.

A couple things happened with Ainsley this week... she's starting to smiling and she slept through the night. Now this second one doesn't completely surprise me as the girl was up the entire day before so she probably needed the sleep - lord knows we all did but because I've been sick, I was up half the night coughing - I guess I can't win them all. She's the first of all the kids to sleep through the night. And it was even more unique because all three slept through the night. It helped because the rest of the weekend it was early mornings and little sleep for Matt and I... However I think I'd have rather had the hard night/morning earlier in the weekend so we could recooperate!

Eleanor had a big day on Saturday, Alaina took her to the circus! I heard about the tigers when she came home and there were pics of the elephant ride as well as the pony ride. I think they had a nice afternoon together and it was good that they could spend the time together. We took Grady out for a pineapple ice cream sundae because he wasn't old enough to go to the circus yet... so he got a little some thing special too.

The kids had also had the developmental screener in this weekend. They adore when she stops to "play" with them, she also lives in our neighborhood - so the kids love to wave at her and her pups. She was impressed with Eleanor's verbal and how she strings words and stories together. She commented how she's advanced for her age group and appreciated how she made conversation, asked questions, and responded. She also commented (again) on her strong will and told us that it will be good for her in the long run - I appreciate her cheerleading from the sides as some days that strong will may kill me. Grady did well too - she laughed at how many hugs he gave her and all the sounds that he likes to make - he was great with cars/vehicles and balls - he could have cared less about stacking blocks - which is how it's been from day one - he's more into the demo work of it all but we'll get there. Ainsley had her first screening too and is on track too as she's tracking objects, smiling, noticing her surroundings, and beginning to contemplate making sounds. I'm sad to see E graduate out of the program - it's been good to have a resource for us.
Lola comes up onto deck. MJR and ALR see "it."
ALR moves to block window.
GRR looks out the window: LOLA, LOLA, LOLA
EER looks out to confirm and now both are entranced.
EER: Lola is biting!!
ALR: Yes, Lola is biting, she shouldn't should she.
EER: What is she biting?
MJR: Lola has a mouse. She is bringing it as a thank you gift...
ALR cuts him off.
ALR: Lola is playing with the mouse and she should play with him at the mouse's house.
EER through the window at Lola: You playing?
ALR: Whenever Lola has something in her mouth we NEVER let her in the house.
ALR begins to herd kids away from the window.
EER: Lola, you have a mouse?
ALR: Let's go upstairs
MJR: Aww, man, she's starting to eat it.
EER: Lola has a friend?
ALR sighs.
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