Easter week for us! This week started off a bit different than most. The kids headed up with Matt to Lansford. They stayed with Randy and Michele while Matt attended the Travel Conference. Ainsley and I stayed home - was a bit weird to all be split up. The first night I headed out to the farm and had dinner with Mom and Dad - that was weird too, not having the attention hogs with us while we ate and talked. They came back on Wednesday, just in time for one day at daycare before a 4 day weekend.

The weather has finally turned... enough that we drug out the yard toys and even uncovered Eleanor's playhouse. It's nice to get out into the sun and weather and spread out. It feels like we've been cooped up for too long. The kids ran around and rode on scooters and movers to their heart content all day. The most fun they had though was either running through Matt's raked leaves and yard clippings piles OR stealing leaves and crap from the piles and pilfering them into E's house.
We also full out Eastered it this weekend.

We dyed eggs - which is tougher than you'd think. I was thinking it would be this magical fun of dropping eggs into dye and then explosions of color. No, it's trying to ensure a whole egg actual makes it into a cupfull of dye and out without the dye being exposed full on to the entire dining room. Not all eggs made it through the process.

We visited the Easter bunny. There were no tears in this visit and I only got mildly reprimanded for taking my own pictures - however if they thought I was going to pay $40 for that crazy train, no. way. E didn't want to sit by the bunny but she wanted to see the bunny and G didn't want to sit period and A - well, she was woken from her nap and didn't care.
Then on Easter, the Bunny brought their Easter baskets - we did a little hybrid of our own traditions. The bunny hid the baskets for them to find. Was cute to see them excited about it. E's first look was in the fridge.

We headed out to Denise's for Easter. After lunch, the kids had the egg hunt - which they absolutely loved. I'm not sure what was more cute, E's excitement about the egg hunting OR G running to grab and egg and laughing. Either way... this is proof that they can pick things up in rapid succession... now if only I can harness this speed and excitement (and ability) when it comes to the cleanliness of the living room. After egg hunting, they did kites and bubbles before we took off. It was a beautiful ride home with all the sleeping that happened.

We finished the four day weekend with my mom who came to help out... it was a full, wonderful weekend.
Getting home Easter night...
ALR: Did you have a good day today?
EER: Yes, it was my Yem n Yem party.
ALR: No, silly - it wasn't an M & M party, it was an Easter Party
EER: Where are we going tomorrow?
ALR: I think we'll stay here.
EER: Where does the Easter bunny live?
ALR: I'm not sure.
EER: With him mom.
ALR: I bet you're right.
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