It's been cold. Fricken cold. So cold that school in town has been cancelled because it's too cold to go out. Ugh. It seems that this cold snap is just starting.
Here's the thing about the cold snap that gets me... it's not that it's just cold and it's hard going outside, it's that we aren't going outside... PERIOD. These kids have been cooped up inside and we all have cabin fever.. and then let's top off the fact that I'm way uber pregnant and I think we are all driving each other crazy.
Here's a rundown of things that we are doing to attempt to keep us sane:

Baking -
someone loves to help make things.

Playing -
this phenomenon has been really interesting to watch roll out lately. E and G have

been playing together. And quietly enough that Matt and I can talk while they play. AND they play for like 10 minute stretches. It usually ends up with E either using a block to bop G on the head or G knocking her tower down or taking her food that she was cooking in her kitchen or her biting him, BUT hey... it is what it is and we'll take what we can get. I did look at Matt and went, seriously, they are finally starting to play together, we are going to upset the applecart in like two weeks??
Talking to Baby Sister
we are starting to plant the solid seed that Mom is round for a reason. E is taking hold of it but G doesn't seem to care, which isn't a surprise - it may be a bit over him. Afterall for that age, seeing is believing.


Mom's work had the brilliant idea to have family bowling. It was a bit above the kids but it was good to get out of the house and have an activity to participate in. They didn't seem to care if their ball made it down the aisle or what pins they hit but they liked the fries from the restaurant and grabbing their ball to push it down.
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