This is my 10th year anniversary with the blog. Nothing I have aside from select relationships have last as long as the blog. I've had 29,425 page views from across the world - US, France, Russia, Ukraine. The blog has seen some highs including the birth of my children and my wedding day to some personal lows. However, even during these lows, I have not abandoned this ongoing verbal dump of my mind. When people ask what I blog about... I always feel a little sheepish, when I admit my life. It's not wild or exciting or grand, in fact it's a bit dull and mundane. Sometimes the biggest happening of the week is the trip to Sam's Club. However, the reason I blog may be a bigger piece to the puzzle. I'm an incredibly sentimental and nostalgic person and I want to provide a piece of me and my daily life to my family and to myself later on. The blog while it has served as a creative outlet for who I am, it also holds time and memories that may be forgotten. Yes, it may have been the boring Sam's Club trip but it's the conversations and pictures and snippets of my life that I want to capture for later on. Even our real trips/vacations - I try to capture details about places, things, food so that we can relive it again and savor. Yes, time is this steady beating drum, but when you look back and try to grasp at those moments and memories that seemed so clear at the time, it can be difficult to recall with the clarity you'd like. That's why I blog.
I may not be good at it and I may not reread everything I write but once (if even), I don't proofread and I don't go back to edit, except that time I mixed up b and p up in reference to a crab sandwich. But in all honesty, I am not upset if it reads rough to others - the pictures and the words are real time captures of where I am in life for my children, myself, and my husband. By all means, I have no problem with other people peeking into our life and hope that they gain a little insight on the hot mess that we are.
So, with that - on to 2019. Did I also mention this is the 699th blog post I have written. I'll admit I could have timed that a bit better - but after 10 years, 7 houses/moves, 1 husband, 2.5 kids, 3ish cats, and thousands of words, I'll take what I can get. Heck, I'd love to write a book one day but I don't know what about or when I'll even find the time to gather up these words into a coherent piece of work that others will want to read - but it sure would be fun.
Okay, anyway, back to 2019.
Here's what's happened to us since Christmas.

We put Grady's crib in and are still working out the logistics of the night routine but it is what it is while we muddle through to the answer.
We also have been working on the baby clothes for the next baby and sorting and prepping for that, removing all the Christmas things from the house - E was upset about the tree.
EER: The tree is gone.
ALR: Honey, Christmas is over. Mom took it down.
EER: I don't see it anymore.
The next day.
EER: Mom, I don't see the tree anymore.
ALR: I know, I took it down, we will have another tree next year, at Christmas time.
EER: It's gone!
The next day.
EER to MJR: Dad, the tree is gone.
Mom came and helped with the clothes and Dad came and helped with the ceiling - which E says is "broken" - she's not wrong. The new dishwasher was installed, we'll see if that fixes the top end, what any other damage is, and then fix the sheetrock after we know the leaking is done. We also decided since the room was cleared and the dust/crap is everywhere, we may as well take the wall paper down. I still hate wallpaper and I'm better at it than others. Nothing better than 7.5 months pregnant standing on a ladder chipping away at rose wallpaper.
And when you think you've seen it all - may this bring a smile to your face. Yes, this is after a sip of chocolate milk (diluted with whole milk) and yes, that is a Chewbaca backpack.
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