It's been a full week - Matt's crazy at work. I'm going to work. G went to the ENT specialist and will have tubes put in next year. E has been starting to learn about Christmas. We drive home at night and she talks about looking at Christmas lights and Christmas trees. There are a few houses on the way home that are decorated - makes me look forward to our annual Light Night.
G is starting to come into his personality too - whenever I come to daycare to pick him up he sees me and runs to the corner where his jacket is hung. Pointing and grunting. From there we get him dressed and he waves goodbye to the ladies as we go to get Eleanor. He's also been pretty good with his babies at home... puts their hats on, kisses them, hands them to me to wrap them in blankets.

The weekend started off with a little date time with Matt and I - we took in the Pride of Dakota Show on Friday night before grabbing burgers at JL. We picked up the kids - who were in great moods and took the long drive home to see a few neighborhood Christmas lights. Saturday was a bit of morning shopping and then naps in the afternoon. I put up the Christmas tree. I had a little help, that is, until he crapped his pants and I finished the project myself. Eleanor didn't notice the tree was up until the next day!

But the big news was that Matt and Eleanor went to Peppa Pig Live. That's right. The two of them went to the show. G and I hung out. But it's was Eleanor's first date. Matt and I've planned this since probably September but we've been keeping it pretty lowkey. We had been decorating for Christmas and stopped.
ALR: Eleanor, why don't you go upstairs. Mom set your clothes out, you need to get ready to go on your date with Dad.
EER: Date?
MJR: Yes, you and I are going to go out. First we will get a snack and then we are going to go see Peppa.
EER stares at him.
EER looks at ALR
ALR nods: He's right, you are going to go see Peppa. Let's get you upstairs.
We got her dressed in a nice outfit, did her hair, and I explained that Dad would pay for everything tonight and treat her well and open the car door. The two of them looked pretty excited as they headed out the door. The first stop was Perkins for pie and cookies. Then to the Peppa show. Matt said she was confused at first and seemed a little impatient but she didn't leave his lap and after the first half started getting into it. They were cute when they got home at supper time and reenacted some of it for me including the crab and ocean scene. He was so proud to take her and give her something that made her smile and a moment for them.
MJR: Did you see?
ALR: See what?
MJR: Peppa Live is coming to town.
ALR: I looked at tickets, I tried calling "ins" I may have and here's what I'm coming up with. We are looking at $75 for seats that aren't great for her and $90 for what we probably should spend.
MJR: Yeah, I called my contact at the event center - she suggested we go for midrange to keep off the floor and nose bleeds.
ALR: Matt, she's two. She's not making memories yet.
MJR: Her favorite story is coming to life. How would you feel, how excited would you be... it's like Indian in the cupboard.
ALR: Sigh.
MJR: Here, I won't get the deer license or the turkey license and we'll save money on going down there so we'll just reapply that money towards her show.
ALR: You are a good dad, you better take a lot of pictures.
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