We've been talking about landscaping now since before Eleanor was born. Well now we don't have the time to do the landscaping of the front and side of the house nor the money. Those kids really take it out of you - both time and money. I decided we needed to get on the same page for what we wanted to do. So we headed out to the farm to scour for some big rocks to help. When we got home, we worked on what we had and got things included in. I'm happy how it turned out.
**Spoiler alert: by the time this got blogged about the Clematis already croaked because we thought the sprinkler's covered the path of it. Well we know now it doesn't.

As the suns been out and the weather continues to stay hot and beautiful, we've been taking a lot of wagon walks with the kids. E INSISTS/DEMANDS on pulling Grady. This is fine because it wears her out and down but the walking is sooo slow. The speed is only further impeded by her turning around every couple paces to tell him to sit down. Which half the time he is, because the wagon is not moving fast enough, and half the time he isn't because he was just yelled at to sit down. It takes 45 minutes to go around the loop. There is no working up or breaking a sweat.

The other major accomplishment of the weekend was that I got on the roof and got the gutters cleaned out. Matt has never been a fan of heights and it needed to get done so I drug the hose up and over and around and we worked to get them cleared. I'm hoping we are good for another 5 years but he told me that we aren't.
EER with bucket of gutter remains
ALR: That's sludge
EER: Sludge?
ALR: Yes, sludge. Pick up your bucket, bring it along, we have more to pick up.
EER grunts
EER: uhhh, sludge heavy!

We probably wouldn't have had me on the roof if we'd have known what we'd find out later that week. We are expecting! The last baby will come in late February next year. We are a little nervous, a little excited, a little scared, and a lot shellshocked when we think of the three littles all at once. But it'll be good and we look forward to keeping them all close together in age.
We'll let thing percolate a bit more before we starting too far down the rabbit hole with logistics and cribs and whatnot. I'll admit I'm nervous about telling people, not sure how the responses will go down.
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