We had Grady's baptism this past week and it's amazing to think of the people that showed up to support him and us. The biggest displays of love came from Grady's godparents. Kevie - Matt's cousin came from Vegas and stayed a few days with us. Grady's been pretty shy lately, so it was a beautiful thing when he took to Kevie so quickly on Thursday. I think she felt pretty special by his attention and trust too. His other godparents are John and Allison Pinkerton, who flew in from the cities and stayed from Friday night through Sunday. We were both honored that the took the miles and the time to be with us and their commitment to Grady is exactly why we chose them.

Matt was able to take Kevie on an experience he had been looking forward to. He got seats for him and her to go up in the Ford Tri-motor, which he has memories with specific to his Grandpa Bob. They did flights over and around Bismarck. That night we had ND's voted best pizza (A & B, specifically their house special) for Kevie to take part in.

The day of the baptism had beautiful weather. We had Great Grandma Dar, both sets of Grandparents (Moser and Remynse), all three Godparents, my sister and her boyfriend - Adam, and Oliver! We started off with a breakfast buffet with egg bakes, muffins, breakfast breads, rolls, fruit, and juice. Matt and I both love breakfast and brunch so it was fun to have something different. Afterwards, the minister who baptized Eleanor joined us for the ceremony. Matt and I loved how private and true to ourselves and our views on religion are for Eleanor's ceremony, so replicated it to a certain degree with Grady's. Pastor Wolfgram gave a message before the baptism and then afterwards we took a few pictures and went in for cake. I'll admit, I even made the same cake! It was a beautiful day for our family. I hate to say, I remember more of Eleanor's service but only because I didn't have an Eleanor that wouldn't hold still to distract from what was happening. She's getting older but her attention span hasn't lengthened too drastically and her listening/comprehension is still growing. Grady was in a great mood though. He looked so handsome in his outfit and I was so glad it turned out as I had struggled over what he should wear. He napped immediately after the ceremony so he did not open his own gifts. He received some very thoughtful items including cufflinks, his first tie, and a silver bank. It was a very nice day.
That night was pretty lowkey with supper for everyone that was able to make it. Watching John and Matt play with all three kids and their interactions made my heart smile. The next day was just spent with the godparents. Matt and John went golfing, I took Kevie to the airport and the kids played all afternoon until Eleanor's crabbiness overcame her and we insisted she take a nap. It was the perfect way to end a very nice weekend. Family and friends.
On the phone a week before the event.
Kevie: How's the weather there?
ALR: Oh, it's not too bad. Cooler here prob than there.
Kevie: I'm not worried about the temp. How's the humidity.
ALR: Oh, it's not bad at all.
Kevie: okay, because we are a dry heat.
ALR: It will all be good.
Kevie arrives at airport
ALR looks at Kevie: I'm sorry.
Kevie: I was going to say, seriously, this isn't bad?!
ALR: I know.. it's like the most humid day all summer.
Kevie stares at ALR
ALR: I'm sorry, I'm a liar.
Kevie: I can taste the air. jeeze.
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