With the winddown of the holidays, I figure I should give an Eleanor update...
1. Animal identification
While it was a sad day for me when I realized that she quit doing "what a frog says" she's moved on to other animals... She's still got the crab down and the cow is her standby favorite she's added sheep, wolf, and monkey to the list. You can also ask her what a skunk and a raccoon say... they may not be accurate but it's entertaining in the least.
2. Bye (with wave)
I have three bags that I regularly take to work: my purse, the diaper bag, and a black and white catch all bag. It usually has my lunch, pump parts, spare bottles, and anything else that needs to go to work that day. Eleanor's new thing is to hoist this bag onto her shoulder, give a wave and a "bye" and start heading down the stairs with it. The other day, she grabbed it, said bye, to which I "bye'd" her back, she walked over to give me a good bye kiss, and then headed down the stairs... it was 6:30 at night. Ha!
3. Itsy Bitsy Spider
With these animal cards, we are working on identification because EVER.Y.THING. is "whatthis" so when the spider card came up, I started singing... now she does the cutest rendition of the song. She doesn't all do it in one go but it's getting there.
4. Potty Time
We have the equipment (chair, stool, books) and she's interested in sitting on the putty but so far out of the thousands of minutes that we sit on the potty and think about life and read Vegetables in Underwear and Big Girls Wear Panties, we've only peed once. It's great she wants to sit there and since she sits there, we sit there. I've never sat on the floor of the bathroom for so long and been sober. We'll get there but I have a feeling it's not any time next week.
1. Rolling over.
This in my mind is the first biggest development that starts pushing babies into the mobile zone. I know I was all excited for Eleanor to roll over until she did. Now with Grady rolling over, I'm not sure how I feel about my littlest baby growing up.
ALR: Eleanor, should we go play in the living room?
EER: nah-uh
ALR: Do you want to go upstairs for your bath?
EER: nah-uh
ALR: Do you just want to go to bed?
EER: nah-uh
MJR: Do you know what "nah-uh" means?
EER: nah-uh