Things that Eleanor is doing now...
Animal Noises
EER: Oooooh, ooooohhhh, ooooohhh
ALR finally looks at book that she's continuing to gawk over.
ALR: Yes, you are right, that's a cow in your book
MJR: Where's your belly?
EER taps tummy
MJR: Where's your toes?
EER thinks about it and brings her foot up
MJR: Where's your nose?
EER pinches her nose
EER pinches MJR's nose

Poor BunnyLove was a gift from a co-worker. Each night when we put her down, we arrange her animals. Kitty goes in one corner, CareBear goes in another, BunnyLove in the third. Eleanor goes in the middle of the bed with her blankie. As soon as she's alone, BunnyLove gets the boot. She's the only thing evicted from crib. We've watched it repeatedly for days. Eleanor gets laid down for the night, Mom/Dad leave the room, Eleanor picks up BunnyLove and tosses her over the side. Poor BunnyLove.
Matt and I have been trying to figure out why, we have no answers.
Fridge Review
TonyDanza loved the fridge... everything about it. He would stare into it when open or guard it when closed. Eleanor has now taken over his love. Her favorite thing though is to clean out one of the doors whenever it is opened. She goes first for lemon juice than follows up with the bbq sauce and ranches. Sometimes she puts them back but mostly she likes to take them all out for her own evaluation/recreation.

We have also determined she knows when she's being "naughty" as she will slink down or hide in her closet or run a bit faster. We will find her in the bathroom peering around the corner or in a closet attempting to be allusive. She had a pen the other day and as soon as she picked it up boogied out of the room! The other night, Matt was busy but I was putting her down to sleep. I had gotten her bottle ready before putting her jammies on and realized I had forgotten something downstairs. It took a whole minute, fortyfive seconds. When I got back upstairs, she was standing in her closet sucking her bottle down as fast as she could!
And don't get me started on the climbing.
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