MJR: Where should we go?
ALR: Well, I have two goals... to eat and to sleep.
MJR: We can do GF, Fargo, Minne, Rapid, Sioux Falls, maybe Winnepeg.
ALR: You do know we can sleep and eat here, at home, and not pay for a hotel or mileage.
MJR: But that's not fun.
ALR: It's not fun to pee 15 times in one trip either... let's just stay here.
MJR: Fine, but you can change your mind.
Matt wanted a final weekend...him and I, just him and I before the baby came... and his convincing involved, "We can have one weekend in the next year that is just us." It's pretty sad when he's probably right. I love my husband and enjoy spending time with him but I had to explain to him that I'm trying to soak up this time as much as possible while she's little and growing and changing and we aren't the ones that she spends a majority of her day with. It's quite sad when I thought about it. But a full grown man begging to spend some alone time with his wife is quite sad too so I had to say yes. So Eleanor went off to Grandma and Grandpas and Matt and I did a little of what we used to.
First stop: Blarney stone for the bloody Mary/virgin mimosa breakfast. I had "slop in a pot" and he had the salmon eggs Benedict. Followed by some "downtown" shopping.
Next: A little shopping at Ulta and Dick's... I bought, he didn't.

Next: City Brew for a Lemon Velvet Frappe and Strawberry Banana Smoothie.

Next: 9 holes on Pebble Creek. I was hoping to get a few best ball swings in but we decided to play as honest as possible. I did get one hole in and got a better score than Matt so that was also enough reason to stop while I was ahead. Afterall, it's not everyday I drive the green.

Next: Ice Slushies at Mo's Ice Shack... Matt had blue Hawaiian, I had Key lime pie.. and a mess... how do people eat those without getting sticky everywhere.

Next: Stop at 3Be Meats to sample some brats and check out a new meat market.
Next: Toasted Frog from some deep fried pickles... one of my favs in town.

Next: A little drive around town followed by supper at JL Beers. Matt had a chicken sandwich, I had a classic hamburger with cheese and we split an order of pretzels.
We finished off the night with a frustrating round of mini-golf.
ALR: It's not everyday that you beat me at mini-golf.
MJR: I know, I've never beaten you at mini-golf.
ALR: That's what I mean, it's not every day that you beat me at mini-golf.
MJR sighs.
ALR: At least this time I didn't beat you with you using your own putter.

Sunday was a bit more relaxed, I had been craving caramel rolls so we went to Krolls for breakfast. Afterward, Matt went out to the golf course and I piddered around the house with laundry and general upkeep. When we got home we had brats for lunch and went outside to work. Matt mowed, I worked a bit on the garden stuff and we cleaned out underneath the deck. I forgot how much we used to accomplish! After a snack of Italian nachos, we headed out for Sassafras.

I'm glad that they all had a good time! I did chuckle at their baby proofing methods which involved rubber bands and cases of soda... but she's a tough one to keep up with! I have a feeling that everybody, especially the dog and cat, slept well after she left!
best meal: It was nice to have a few meals where we didn't feel exhausted afterward... she's a good girl but we left restaurants that uncomfortably full and unfrazzled!
MJR: See wasn't this nice? (referring to the weekend)
ALR: Yes it was... I had no doubts that spending time with you wasn't going to be nice.
ALR: It was also nice to wake up at 8:30 this morning.. I was so proud that I didn't have bags under my eyes... I don't know if it was because of her or because of the fancy eye cream I bought at Ulta though.
MJR: You slept til 830? I woke up after 7 and couldn't fall back to sleep.
ALR: It's happening.
MJR: What?
ALR: You are getting old.
MJR scowls
ALR dramatically: ahhhhhhh!!! I married an old man who gets up early when he doesn't have to and looks at other people's lawns with envy and complains about loud music!
MJR: Well, they don't need to have it so you can't have a conversation!