Awhile back, at Eleanor's wellbaby check, the doctor heard a murmur, so did the nurse. So did our doctor, so did our nurse... and then they told us that we needed to take Eleanor into a specialist. The sound was intensifying, which could be bad or it could be good. This is where parenting as a team has it's benefits. I'm not good at the medical and sometimes don't know the questions to ask or the things to hear because I'm so worked up with the situation. Matt does not get worked up. He's able to process it and evaluate it and better yet, explain it later on. So off we went to Fargo to see the pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Justin.
The morning was nerve wrecking. The hardest part on both Matt and I was the echo they did on her heart. We both worked to keep her calm while the ultrasound went on. She did wonderfully. They gave us an ipad to watch Elmo's world and she allowed the process to go on for sometime. I don't think we could have gotten better behavior from her. The best though was the news that came. Yes, she has multiple holes in her heart but they appear to be closing and they want to keep an eye on it but she should develop and play and be just fine with no side effects! We put her back in her car pushcart and happily left. I could have just cried from the roller coaster.

We decided to make a day of it... lemons into lemonade or whatnot. After a couple hours of being cooped up at the hospital and on the road, we let her busy around the play place at the mall and burn off some energy. We also put her into the stroller and pushed her around, shopping a bit. She loves the stroller... she likes to wave at people or put her arms up and pretend it's a roller coaster! She was so happy about it all.
Before leaving the mall, we went to Chili's for lunch as it was right there. Eleanor had her first menu, ordering her own meal. Matt and I ordered burger baskets but she had chicken strips and mashed potatoes. The smartest thing I ordered though was the table-side guac... not only was it amazing but I was able to steal a few avocados before the got mashed in and Eleanor loved those too! It was a nice meal out as a family.

Before heading home, we went through Costco... Matt's been wanting to check it out for some time and with his parents willing to share their membership with us, we stocked up on fruit, veggies, and a few other things. They didn't have the diapers and formula we get at Sam's so we won't be switching anytime soon.
We got in the car and headed back home, Eleanor slept the whole way home. It was a nice day to enjoy as a family. I reflected on the way back about how nervous I was going over and how much it was nice to get out, explore, and focus on my family.

It's hard to believe my baby is 10 months old. She's so busy and doing and trying so much. She's taking steps and I know soon she'll be walking well and running well and it's so bittersweet. I can't believe how fast she's growing and changing. I'd love to slow it all down. I feel like I barely get my bearings where we are at and she's moving ahead without me. I have a feeling this is how a majority of life will progress on and I need to learn to be okay with that but maybe that's why I savor the moments where we rock a little longer or her smile beams in on me.
And I also wouldn't mind these photo shoots being a bit easier. They seriously require two people.
Best meal: Chili's... yes the guac was amazing but the experience was also wonderful.
ALR: It really was a nice day.
MJR: Did you think it wouldn't be?
ALR: Well, I didn't know what to think... I was too scared to think.
MJR: It's okay, I was here.
ALR: I know and that's what I love about us.
That's scary, and I'm glad she's okay!