OKay... here's what happens when you are sick. You lay down. on the couch. and want to die. Ugh. The sickness has been exhausting. It started the end of January and it has been all consuming. Eleanor has been better about clearing the runny nosey than I have. Matt and I managed to pick up strep and somehow were lucky enough to keep it out of Eleanor. I then managed to get another bout of something that knocked me really far down that if I could have thought, I might have had Matt measure me for a casket.
So let's have a month review rundown....
At the beginning of the month, we made a quick trip up to Lansford to meet baby Ashlynn - Brendan and Claudia's little girl. The difference between how Matt handled Ashlynn from when he met Jackson makes me chuckle as we've come so far. It was nice to see their new house and them settling into a new life with the house and two kids. Matt was also excited to tell them about our addition. He's been waiting to tell them in person and has been so excited.
Getting into the car

ALR: Yes, she is.
MJR: I just don't remember Eleanor being that little.
ALR: Well, she was and she wasn't. Eleanor has a few ounces and inches on her but yes, she was teeny a long long time ago.
MJR looking in rearview mirror: A long time ago.
Afterwards, we spent the afternoon with Michele and Randy catching up and enjoying pizza. When we left town, Eleanor and I dropped Matt off for the UMAS Conference.

Best meal: That night, Matt and I tried our first Blue Apron meal, Shrimp Ettoufee. We haven't been going out to eat and I miss the sharing of food and fun that is a regular tradition in our marriage. So I thought we could try this out to see if it would scratch that itch. It was fun... to cook, enjoy new flavors, and fun food. The sleeping baby in her room was an added bonus.
MJR: How do you say it, again?
ALR: Ettoufee
MJR: ehtutfale
ALR: I know how Phoebe feels.
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