laugh is the morning routine. I typically am the one to go into her room first after being woken by her hand clapping against the crib. I usually sit on the foot stool and ask about how she slept, what she dreamed about, and get a sense of the mood for the morning. Some days she's all about it... other days she could care less about this interaction but every day she goes to the edge of the crib, stands up on the tips of her toes (as best as she can for being a little uncoordinated), and leans over the edge - looking for her dad in our bedroom door frame. Now, according to him, she does the same thing when he goes in... that she looks for me... that she wants us both present soaking up her attention. Either way, this little behavior makes me realize how much she has grown and changed in 9ish months. She looks for us, she knows where we come from, and she knows how to attempt to find us.
Either way, we've been busy surviving. I've continued to be sick... through the whole month of February. I think I keep getting new bugs, lucky, lucky. Eleanor has fought a few things and been into the doctor's office a few times two... once for a well baby check where they were happy with her growth and Dr. Anderson took the time to answer our/my million questions.

Matt and I managed to have another date day... hooray for state holidays. We went to Avery's AM Eatery, which was completely disappointing. I've been waiting to go there for months and it hasn't worked out and when we did, I wish we would have gone somewhere else. Other than that, it was a nice day, the two of us - hard to believe how rare those times are right now.
Best meal: I love brunch and fancy breakfast, those breakfast with little yolk omelets and cooking in the kitchen bring me the most joy.
All in the living room, playing one night after supper.
EER crawls on top of MJR to plant a big wet, open mouth kiss on his face.
EER falls off and teeters away a bit.
ALR wants to encourage this so she sits on MJR's test to coax her into doing it again by example.
MJR was not impressed.
EER was not interested.
EER begins to bounce up and down while sitting on her knees. Recent accomplishment that is continually practiced.
EER is hold a small book that is perfect size for her.
EER brings book closer to MJR and ALR, just inches from MJR's head.
EER suddenly grabs book by both arms wields it above her head, over MJR's head and lets out a war cry: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!
ALR loses is drastically falling off the side into a puddle of giggles.
In the meantime, EER knocked herself over due to the momentum of her own action, chuckled, and went to pick up one of her socks which she had taken off before.
MJR is left horrified as his life had flashed before his eye thanks to "Go Dog, Go"
Later that night...
ALR: Are you going to have nightmares tonight?
MJR: Nightmares?
ALR: About our daughter offing you with a cardboard book?
MJR: Couldn't keep it together could you? What if she had lanced me in the head with it?
ALR: I don't know. (snickers begin again)
MJR: Do you think it was the funniest thing she's done her whole life.
ALR: Yes, probably.
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