This means that I've officially had a baby for 4 weeks. That after 39.5 weeks, I had a child, not a watermelon, and then they let us take her home. And even after supervision and guidance have determined that we can keep her. I will ignore the fact that my maternity leave is half over at this point. I will also ignore the fact that it took me a month to find enough of my own groove to take a shower without somewhere here to watch her, just in case AND we also finally took a solo walk, just her and I. These were small victories that I've been striving towards for some time and just haven't had the ability to conquer.
She had her one month check today with Dr. Anderson.
Aside from the appointment interfering with Len's eating, she behaved very well. She weighed in the 86% and is measuring in the 88%.
ALR after the appointment: So, one month old... how do you think it is going?
MJR: Good, she's alive.
ALR stares.
ALR: Seriously, that's how you are looking at this? Pass, Fail?
MJR; Well?
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